Showing posts with label Poetry. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Poetry. Show all posts

Saturday 23 December 2023

The Street Tears By Davy Fidel (Book Review)

The Street Tears is a poetry book with forty poignant poems that explore the theme of suffering, pains, disappointment, death and especially the hard life on the street. The poems are codifications of anguish, tears and hopelessness.

The author, Davy Fidel, weaved a tapestry of melancholy with creative words that pull at one’s heartstrings. He used every poetic artillery to capture and hold the reader's interest to the end. The author wrote the poems around emotions that string pain in the heart and events that sprout tears in the eyes. The second poem in the book, I WEPT “When I read my pages, I wept. It encryption … Cuneiform! Crest in the heart Like the devil in the cathedral” I will say the poem set the mood of the book because when I read the poems, I wept at the graphic narration of the sufferings and pains that echo on every page of the book. The insecurity, unknown gunmen, and kidnappings that ravaged the country. Deaths that leave gaping holes in the heart, the killings going on unchecked, injustice and miseries that mark our daily lives. “Misery is a painted art Agony is a pillow the head rest on” The author laments in one of his poems, ROSES IN PLAGUE In the poem, RAT WORLD, the author tells of the rat race of living life in the street. “The street is a rat world Wired with dreams trimmed And fried with hopelessness With unending potholes lives” This poem reiterates another poem in the book, POTHOLES, where the author likens his life to potholes, “My life is potholes Galloping every second Every minute with bruises Every hour of tormenting Like the flea in a hot pan” The poetry book is divided into five parts of ten poems each. In the last part of the book, the author asks, WHAT DOES TOMORROW HOLD? It is a poem that buttresses the crumbling world we live in. “When I look at the pieces around me I ask myself with a shattered voice What does tomorrow hold?” But, according to the author, “Tomorrow standing battered Our tears flooding us Our words crushing us Our lives procreating pain” The poems in this part paint a picture of hopelessness, where the future of the country and its people are tattering on wobbling legs of uncertainty. This part also talks about GARBAGE LIFE, how we live a LIFELESS LIFE, the way LIFE IS STOLEN from us, how we BEG TO HAVE TOMORROW, the way we live our lives THIS EVERYDAY, and what our TODAY looks like. The poems in the book are indeed words on marble. They tell the stories of yesterday and of today for tomorrow. A history recorded in poetic verses for the next generation.

Review by Dr Ngozi Ebubedike Ladyzizi Bookworld.

Tuesday 24 October 2023

ODE TO NGOZI: An African Academic Triumph.

In the heart of Africa's vibrant beat,

Stands a woman, Ngozi Ebubedike, so sweet.

In the halls of knowledge, she took her seat,

Her journey's tale is no small feat.

A day of joy, a day of pride,

Her accomplishments, she cannot hide.

Doctor of Philosophy, her stride,

An honor, a title, worldwide.

From the African American University's abode,

In Porto-Novo, where wisdom flowed.

To Nigeria's Enterprise Institute, bestowed,

Her knowledge, like a river, overflowed.

Inducted as a fellow, a recognition grand,

In technology and management, she stands.

Her influence stretches like a band,

Across the Nigerian and Benin land.

Congratulations, Ngozi, on your day,

Your journey's worth, hard to weigh.

More celebrations are on their way,

For your spirit, no challenge can sway.

Remember in the realm of knowledge, you are a guard.

By Dr. Dream.

Wednesday 11 October 2023


Ode to Ngozi Ebubedike, the Wordsmith Extraordinaire
Oh, Ngozi Ebubedike, a creator of poetic ecstasy,
With the stroke of your pen, you dance with the divine.
Your words ignite worlds, your verses set souls free,
Dear author, your brilliance forever shall shine.
In each chapter you weave, a new tale is born,
Characters spring to life, their stories come alive,
With lyrical grace, you unveil worlds torn,
Guiding us through emotions, both tender and thrive.
Your prose, like a symphony, resonates in our minds,
Melodies of truth, wrapped in the garments of art.
Through your stories, wisdom and beauty bind,
As we immerse ourselves in the depths of your heart.
With every word you write, your power unfolds,
Painting pictures with phrases, bringing dreams to light.
Your pen, a magic wand, transforming the old,
Oh, Ngozi Ebubedike, a champion of the write!
What worlds we have explored, thanks to your quill,
From distant lands to mystical realms unknown.
You invite us into your tales, hearts trembling, hearts still,
Taking us on journeys that are uniquely our own.
Your voice, like a whisper, echoes through the pages,
Whispering truths that leave us forever changed.
In your words, we find solace, like ancient sages,
A sanctuary of knowledge, beautifully arranged.
Ngozi Ebubedike, your words are a gift,
A symphony of emotions, a window to the soul.
Through your stories, our spirits you uplift,
In each word and verse, you make us whole.
So, dear author, we raise our pens in tribute,
To a literary genius, bringing light to our days.
Your words, like ink, forever cherished, absolute,
Ngozi Ebubedike, your legacy forever stays.
By Dr. Dream... literature review...

Tuesday 10 October 2023

REMEMBER (Poetry) By Dr. Dream

In the land of ancient wisdom,
Where the sun's kisses embrace,
Rises the spirit within you,
A descendant of a sacred place.
Remember, O child of Alkebulan,
That your roots run deep and strong,
Inheritors of a heritage,
That sings a timeless song.
From the Nile's gentle caress,
To the rolling plains of Serengeti,
Your soul is etched with stories,
Of a rich history.
Remember, O child of Africa,
The drumbeat of your ancestors,
Echoes in your very being,
Every step, a dance of kinship and solidarity.
Beneath the canopy of ebony skin,
Lies the resilience of a thousand tribes,
Woven together like a tapestry,
United in the heartbeat of their vibes.
Remember, O child of the motherland,
In your veins, flows the spirit of kings,
Courageous warriors and wise queens,
Whose legacy in your soul sings.

With the strength of the lion,
And the grace of the gazelle,
You carry the essence of Africa,
With a heritage no words can quell.
Remember, O child of Alkebulan,
In your diversity lies your strength,
For within its borders reside,
Countless languages, cultures, and faiths.
So, let your pride be a beacon,
Guiding you through life's warbles,
Embracing the beauty of your heritage,
As it shines through like a thousand marbles.
Remember, O child of Africa,
You are a story waiting to be told,
Your voice, a symphony of resilience,
A testament to the spirit of old.
Embrace your motherland's embrace,
With love, honor, and dignity,
For you, dear African, are a treasure,
A symbol of eternal unity.
Remember, O child of Alkebulan,
In your journey, you are never alone,
Connected to a tapestry of souls,
Whose spirit in you has always shone.

By Dr. Dream...Literature review...

Friday 4 August 2023

The clarion call

When shall we rise

against the agitation 

and power struggles

That engulfs our nation state?

When shall we rise

to build our capacities and values

As a great nation?

When shall we rise

to recognise and tap the potential

Within our nation state?

When shall we rise

to appreciate the beauty

And brilliance of our land?

When shall we rise

to protect, and harness

The abundance of resources in our land?

When shall we rise

to instigate and urge our people

to think beyond tribe and religion?

When shall we rise

To serve our country wholeheartedly

and be recognised for our efforts?

When shall we rise

to seize the helm of our nation state

and steer it to stability?

When shall we rise

To fight corruption and bad leadership

crumbling the unity of our nation state?

When shall we rise

to emancipate our people

from tyrannical subjugation

Stunting our evolution?

When shall we rise

to oppose demeaning acts 

of inhumanity against us?

When shall we rise

to break the gripe of our oppressors

and bridle the excess use of power

That intimidates the people?

When shall we answer 

the clarion call for action?

They have used us as cat’s-paw for long

Crises have tossed us like waves 

in a storm, for ages.

Are we not fed up with 

Their banquet of deception?

Are we not tired of eating 

The bread of adversity?

Drinking the water of affliction?

It is time to rise against evil subjection

and be combat-ready for the ejection

Of wicked rulers out of the land.

© By Ngozi Ebubedike.

Friday 21 April 2023

Tares Oburumu(A Poet and Playwright)

Author’s Hangout with Zizi

Tares Oburumu is a poet, a cut above his contemporaries. As someone wrote of him, “Oburumu is a poet whose language stirs the senses.” Oburumu laces words into poems with passion and profound fluidity of imagination. You have to consume and digest his poetry slowly to appreciate the meaning behind his words or suffer poetic indigestion.

I have read some of his poetry chapbooks and I’m not surprised Oburumu’s manuscript, Origins of the Syma Species, won the 2022 Sillerman First Book Prize for African Poets. 

In this interview, Tares Oburumu talks about his journey to becoming a poet and bares his heart out on his travail, hardship, turbulence, frustration and fascination with water, a recurring theme in most of his poems. And also, his ordeals as a single father to a wonderful daughter.

Tell us about yourself? 

I am Tares Oburumu. I am from Bomadi Local Government Area of Delta State, a few kilometers away from Warri. I studied philosophy at the University Of Benin. 

How and when did your writing journey begin? 

I can’t tell when exactly the journey started. All I can remember, quiet vividly, is the time I was in primary school. I can’t tell the class I was, maybe three, maybe four, when I had a fierce scolding from an uncle, never to get close to his dictionary; Oxford Advanced Learners which had several missing pages, dog-eared and dusty. He said I was too young for it and not too bright either at that young age to make anything of it. 

Before then, I was fascinated with the usage of words and I couldn’t help memorizing a few to be used in daily conversations with not just my peers. To memorize them, I had to own an exercise book for the purpose of writing them down. The form they took on the notebook excited my young sensibilities at the time, so I started writing; composing a few sentences of my own out of the words I had on the pages of the notebook. 

This became a habit and it continued to have me tethered to my father’s small cupboard size library where I exposed myself to novels among other books. I read a lot of them, I can’t remember now. It was during and towards the end of my secondary school that I  began to write poems just after reading the poem “ Building The Nation” by, I think, a Ugandan poet. Nothing held me more spellbound in such times for such longer hours than poetry. Then there was Christopher Okigbo, Wole Soyinka, Gabriel Okara, John Pepper Clark and T.S Eliot. I started my idea of putting poems into book form around 2014. 

Why did you choose to write poetry?

 Poetry chose me. Looking back in my formative years and how exposed I was into books, it is more convenient to say poetry chose me. I read a lot of books, not just Literature. Not only books on Philosophy, nor science books. I was drawn in prose in a way that was more taxing in the manner I learned from it than poetry. Oftentimes, I write down a novel, like transcription, word for word in a notebook. 

If I am writing poetry today more as I do write any other genre, I think it’s because I later found poetry to be more concise on the part of poetry and laziness on my own part due to personal traumatic experiences, that I found the prose genre too long and sedentary an art. Sitting long months to get a novel done, was too taxing for me amidst the trauma. Poetry gives a sort of balance, or it’s a balancing of trauma. A kind of antidote. 

Where and how do you get ideas for your poems? 

Everything I can see and imagine. It could be a boy running down the street, a cloud forming, a personal experience which I trust more than anything else. It could be a line or word from a book. It could be smoke in the air, questions people ask; it could be anything. 

Is there any author or book that influenced you in any way either growing up or as an adult? 

Christopher Okigbo cleared a road and I had no choice than to walk on it until I learnt that I could clear a forest, make a road of it and walk my own path. He was phenomenal to my formative years. 

Tell us about the challenges in getting your first book published? 

My first book is still not published. Around 2015 before or perhaps after the birth of my daughter, Sasha, the idea of publishing a collection of poems formed most haphazardly. The idea intertwined with an obvious intention or an inner statement of some sort; to raise money to feed my daughter. 

I believed, among other things, not knowing the rigors involved, that I can publish a book and make money from it. This intention or sole responsibility towards my daughter after I lost my job with the Delta State government and the subsequent experiences of being lugged into single parenthood, after Sasha was abandoned by her mother to make my trauma more of a tragedy than a psychological evaluation of my life as a nomad, I brought the ambition of publishing a book to light. It was a collection of about two hundred poems running to about three hundred pages. With it, I approached a number of publishing firms, and it was agonizing to know that I needed about 1m (a million Naira) to publish the book. 

At that time, I was looking for a paltry sum of #50, 000 to start a business that could feed my daughter and myself. Someone asked me to divide the book into three parts without a moment’s hope of getting it published. After the excruciating task of dividing the volume, nothing came out of it. I traveled long distances, met friends and people who had the luxury, but none of them could help me. It turned out to be an odyssey; a long walk to publishing a book. That book is still unpublished as I type. 

How do you market your work? 

What avenues have you found to work best for you and has it been rewarding? I live off such markets and avenues because I couldn’t publish a book. I think one can only have a knowledge about such if one has published a book and has the privilege the market and such avenues offer. 

Your recent poetry book, Chatham House is a brilliant feast of words. What inspired the writing?

 I wanted to crowd Nigerians around the question, why vote? I was born at a time elections were annulled in this country and I have witnessed quite a good number and having studied the history, the electoral history and the electoral behavior from the postcolonial Nigeria, I personally think a democracy practiced on any electoral system in this country will not work. A change is possible, but not through the votes. There’s a lot to the Nigerian problem that we do not see, or don’t want to see. The truth is there. It can’t be sullied no matter how much denial is thrown at it. It goes beyond us as a people. 

If you look closely at the events that brought us into being even in the colonial days, you will understand the British and the powers that are Northern, or what we can call the powers of the unknown. You will understand why we are poor and why the mental state of the rich and the intelligentsia are one and the same thing. 

I wrote Chatham House for a people that do not know why they are Nigerians and will continue to be Nigerians if they do not dream of facing the truth. And it’s as I predicted in the course of writing it that Nigerians do not read and they do not understand, not even the intelligentsia, believe me. 

How long does it take you to write a poem? 

Minutes. Seconds. Sometimes a year or two. It all depends on what I want to achieve, the readers and the state of my mind. 

Do you intend to write any other genre apart from poetry? 

Essays, plays and a few novels.

What is your work schedule like when you're writing? 

I take one line at a time, one day at a time. I don’t rush things. I only trust the process. 

Did your environment and upbringing influence your writing style?

 My childhood was traumatic. I had no childhood save a few moments of being here or there with a father that was doing well at that time. My mother was all I had. My grandmother was amazing. Fishing was what we survived on. Farming too. And these became for me, a modus operandi. My poetry is just about where I come from, the people that matter and the experiences I had growing up. It’s impossible to separate me and water, being the past, the present and the future of my art. I am fascinated by origin and when I write, I seem lost in it.

How many poetry books have you written? Any favourite and why? 

I have not written any serious book. I have written six chapbooks of poems and each came as a response to national questions and about how I grew up with my mother; a single parent, who raised me in a manner I have yet to come to terms with. How can a woman of no education bring me up in such an amazing way. I could have been a local uneducated fisherman, or farmer, but my mother made sure I don’t go to bed without reading a book. 

What are the challenges you face as a poet? 

One of the funniest things I don’t understand about myself is how I have been able to read and write without a laptop, even now. By this I mean, I don’t have, I lack the basic things every writer needs to succeed. I don’t, and have no laptop, as I type. Everything that a writer should have, I lack. I have nothing. How I have survived is a miracle to me. 

Besides reading and writing, how do you relax? 

I go out with a few friends, eating and drinking a little, go home to bed. 

In your writing journey what are the most important lessons, you’ve learned?

Writing is hard. Patience is what makes good writing. 

Give us an interesting fact about the writing of your poetry books? 

I don’t sleep at nights. I finished my chapbooks of poems in a week or less than that. All the chapbooks I have written. I don’t see this as an act of genius. I needed to write them and I needed food on my table. I had to finish them in such a space of time, so they don’t get in the way of my daily bread. 

What do you consider your best accomplishment? 

The Sillerman prize for African poets, no doubt. 

What was your reaction when you were announced the winner of The Sillerman Prize for African Poets? 

I have always dreamed of being a poet. A poet with little or no recognition. I always see myself in that light. I had no expectations. No ambition. I just write. And I relish the written word I put down even if it’s not published by some ambitious journals or magazines, or publishing firms. I just write. 

Also, I am not someone who loves sending out works to be published in online journals and magazines. I don’t have the energy and money to enter my works for literary contests. Even now,  so I just write. I would have pulled down the building the night the email came in that I have won the Sillerman prize. I screamed in a way that could have ruined a few eardrums if they were that close. 

How has winning the prize impact your writing career? 

It has made me believe and accepted the fact that I can be a poet. 

What would you say is your interesting writing quirk? 

I read a lot before writing. Prior to writing anything, I pick a lot of poems, essays, or books before writing a single poem. This way, I don’t rest when I start. I’m a workaholic. 

What’s your family reaction to your writing career? 

My family doesn’t even know that I have won a prize. And even if they know, they won’t understand how important it is. They live far away from Literature or the literary world that they can’t make anything of it. 

How has being a writer helped your personal growth and where do you see yourself in the coming years with your writing?

I expect nothing. I don’t like expectations either. I will continue to write and make plans as necessary, but wherever I find myself, so long as I am teaching and writing poetry or any kind of book, I will be satisfied with my life. Writing has placed me above my wildest dreams. It has shaped me, no doubt, into a man. 

What advice will give to aspiring writers, especially in your genre? 

Don’t give up. 

Essential Emotional Needs In Marriage

One of the most important things you can do to improve your family relationship is to understand and meet each other’s vital emotional needs...