Wednesday 31 July 2024

Heaven’s Dream by Benny Okafor (Book Review)

The author, a pastor, skilfully extends his pulpit through pages of this book to reach a broad audience, sharing the gospel of salvation and repentance, particularly aimed at young people who have lost faith or are struggling with their faith in God.

Ricardo West Jr. was brilliant and charismatic, ranking among the top three students at Cross University. He was once the Capone of one of the most feared and notorious fraternity cults on campus. His leadership and academic prowess earned him admiration and fear from students and lecturers.

Surrounded by a praying mother, Christian friends and colleague, Rico, the protagonist of the story, remained steep in his worldly pursuit until a near-death experience brought him to God, and he became a believer and a gospel exponent. When the Holy Spirit arrests rebels, they do great exploits for the kingdom of God. Rico’s case is no exception. 

Despite his success at work, he resigns to immerse himself in Bible studies and build his faith. His action prompts his former boss to send hitmen to coerce him back. In a surprising twist, these hitmen from his former cult, become his first converts. 

Ironically, Rico returns to the same university and fraternity cult he once used for destruction, but now with a mission to redeem and guide the young minds he once led astray. 

Other fraternity cults and even the Cross University lecturers are not spared, all who gave their lives to Christ were protected, healed and given the power to speak in tongues as of old. Being born again became a bug in the university and once you catch it your life will never remain the same. 

“How theatrical the lord could be!” 


Rico symbolically represents the prodigal son who returns home to his father (God) and begins a new life in Christ, fulfilling Eph 4:24 “And that ye put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness.” 

The story of Rico West Jr. is a powerful testament to how transformative an encounter with the Holy Spirit can be. His life becomes a testament to what the apostle Paul wrote in 2 Corinthians 5:17 “If any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away…”

The author through the book, shows the efficaciousness of a praying mother. Rico’s mother didn’t give up on her son. She believed her son was destined to work in the Lord’s vineyard, and she never relented until God answered her prayers. It's a call for parents to always pray for their children, even the recreant ones, and allow the Holy Spirit to take control. 

Heaven’s Dream shows God’s awesomeness, mercy, and compassion towards humankind, once you believe and confess Jesus as your Lord and Saviour.

This is a must-read for young and old, there are lots of life-transforming lessons to garner from the pages of this book. A guide for students in the universities, they need to understand that cults are evil and put their lives in fetters of fear, and false bravado of power and protection.

Dr Ngozi Ebubedike

Sunday 28 July 2024

We Rise!: Onidiri the Hair Plaiter(Book Review)

 Onidiri the Hair Plaiter by Elsie Dennis Oghenekaro.

This story was featured in We Rise! An Anthology of Women's Voices. A short story that aptly displays women's resilience and sacrifices for their families.

Onidiri is just a hair platter but with outstanding qualities. “...she was simply the best for miles around and was so busy that everyone waited in line.”

Excellency. No matter where you find yourself in life, endeavour to put in your best, and cultivate the spirit to excel in your profession.

Go the extra mile. A good mother will always stretch herself at times to breaking point for the good of her children. “The two hours would round up her day nicely. The two hours would enable them to pay part of the backlog of school fees for the four kids who were no longer in school…”

Making sacrifices. Often we endure pain and discomfort for the people we love. A mother’s love is a boundless sea with immeasurable depth. Onidiri’s love for children’s education and well-being made her endure hunger.

“Onidiri would work all night without food if she had to. It was up to her to see that her kids had a decent education, better than she had, better than her husband had.”

Onidiri exemplifies the struggles a woman and a mother put up daily for their family's survival.

Read this and many other interesting stories about women’s struggles, families, and relationships in We Rise!

Review by Dr Ngozi Ebubedike.

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Affection in Romantic Relationships.

The need to feel loved is one of the essential reasons for a relationship. This feeling of love is reflected through affection. It is a demo...