Wednesday, 10 June 2020


Success is a journey. Living a successful life is a dream of anyone. Every achievement recorded on this planet earth is a product of successful living. A person who succeeds in life is admired, he becomes a role model and he is respected. From the beginning, God designed us to become a successful personality. God from creation instructed man in the Holy Bible to go into the world and become fruitful. Fruitfulness means to live a life of purpose vide life of accomplishments and successes.
A successful life can be achieved by developing a vision and working on the vision. In addition, to succeed in life we must develop a heart of prayer to enable us to have conquering spirits. Seeking information is also a sure way to achieve greatness. Success comes also through locating a mentor; this is what raised James Owen to a greater height in sports. Many years ago, James Owen wanted to become a great athlete in Europe. He sought the view of his coach; who gave him four keys to stardom: Determination, Dedication, Discipline and Attitude. James Owen started working on them. At the 1923 Berlin Olympics, he got four gold medals and his record in long jump lasted for 25 years unbroken. He did not just have a goal, but he applied himself to the four vital keys for success.
Therefore, living a successful life is a combination of many values amongst which is a relationship with God, developing a vision, reading books, talents development, identifying a mentor, attending seminars/ conferences and taking action.

RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD: Abraham Lincoln a former United States of America president. stated “Without the assistance of a Divine being, I cannot succeed. With that assistance, I cannot fail”. Developing a relationship with God includes reading and meditating on God’s words and praying to God which builds a strong relationship with God. Through a relationship with God, inspirations are developed, knowledge and wisdom developed at the same time.

A right relationship with God gives us a conquering spirit to face life challenges and pursue our goals towards living a successful life. A prayerful relationship with God equips us with the fruit of the spirit- love, peace, right temperance, gentleness, faith and meekness (Galatians 5:22), these are positive traits that help us to succeed in life; successes are not achieved in bitterness and rancour.

VISION: To live a successful life, one should develop a vision of what a person is desirous of achieving in life. One’s vision must be in line with one’s purpose on this planet earth. The place of God in discovering one’s vision is important. If one’s vision is developed early in life, one’s success story starts early as well. Vision could also be developed later in life and pursued. The most important thing is to develop a vision. The vision should be backed by a working plan. Vision developed and pursued leads to destiny fulfilment in life.

Chinedu Nsofor graduated from the University of Nigeria, Enugu State Eastern Nigeria. He is 30 years old as of 2020. Chinedu Nsofor set his vision to impact life in his environment, he identified his goals and pursue it. While at the University he developed his dream project-WORK WHILE IN SCHOOL; a programme designed to encourage undergraduates to start early to think on their future plan of life. As at present, he has secured a partnership with the National Commission of Colleges of Education (in Nigeria). His vision has made an impact in the Nigerian Society.

RENDER SERVICES: Some persons on this plant have impacted society and improve themselves through rendering services. Our Lord Jesus rendered great and mighty services to the people; the services he rendered are still being discussed positively. Mother Teresa is noted for her services which she rendered to the people, thus she gained world recognition. Mahatma Gandhi rendered services which earned him high regards by his Indian people and the world many years after his demise. Gani Fawehinmi a Nigerian lawyer was known for tremendous legal services he rendered to the people including the needy through which he became an outstanding personality admired by all. Thus, they all lived a successful life.

READ BOOKS: Francis Bacon the great French author said that reading makes a man. This is true. Every reader attests that reading moulds a personality. Successful personalities have admitted continuously that reading shaped their lives towards their accomplishments. Reading quality books and periodicals is a sure way to excel in life as books reading equipped one with the right values of life. Many persons including Dr Ben Carson, John Maxwell, Brian Tracy and Ogbo Awoke Ogo have all attested to the fact that they excelled in their career through reading. Ogbo Awoke Ogbo; a Nigerian and founder of Giant thoughts International once said: “I literally fall sick any day I do not read for a minimum of two hours”. Also, reading books played great roles in my humble achievements including developing my website (, publication of my five e-books, online leadership and mentorship academy, championing reading culture etc.

DEVELOP YOUR TALENTS: One sure way to become successful in life is for one to discover and develop his talents. These talents include potentials, skills, gifts, abilities etc. They are heavenly deposits in one. They must be developed and put into the right use. Many have developed their talents and succeeded in business, sports, writing, governance, motivational/ public speaking etc. When you mention persons like Daniel Ally (Founder of Ally Way International), Preston Vander van, Dr Linus Okorie (President of Guardian International) etc, the mind runs to persons that are making waves in motivational, leadership, public and conference speaking sphere. Mention Joyce Meyer, she is remembered as an Author, Bible Teacher, Preacher and Conference Speaker.
Mention Donald Trump, Tony Elumelu, Charles Schwab and Aliko Dangote, you remember them because of their exploits in the business world.

HAVE A MENTOR: Another way for one to live a successful life is to have a mentor. A mentor is a guide, a counsellor. If one locates a mentor, his life would be guided early in life. Parents are mentors. Friends and relatives are also mentors. Authors and speakers also serve as mentors. Leaders are also mentors. The primary role of a mentor is to bring the mentees to the original purpose of their life as to live a destiny fulfilled life.
The role of Sonya Carson is a typical role a parent plays in the life of their children. Dr Ben Carson has severally written on the role the mother who encouraged him to read books early in life played over him towards his accomplishment in life.

ATTEND SEMINARS/CONFERENCES: To further excel in life we need to attend conferences/seminars which build our minds for life pursuits and greatness.
Inspiring conferences have also become a great way to influence one positively. The thoughts shared at such gatherings shape one’s mindsets towards accomplishments. Pastor C. Maxwell; an internationally recognized leadership expert, speaker and author in his book the 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership stated that several years ago while teaching leadership to a group of people in Denver U.S.A., he noticed the activities of a nineteen-year-old named Brian, who he said he spoke to and encouraged him in his life pursuits. Today, Brian Tracy is an accomplished author, leadership expert and motivator.

TAKE ACTION: Preston Vanderveen said, “A dream with no action is just a wish”. To excel you must take action in any identified activity. If we develop a vision plan, read books, attend seminars/conferences, have talents etc, without taking action, all is in vain. Taking action would manifest who we are before the people. What we manifest will be a measure of value people and society will place on us. If the persons mentioned above never took action, history would not have recorded them positively.
Therefore, we should employ the BASATA SUCCESS PRINCIPLE as espoused by my humble self, James Okere.  BASATA SUCCESS PRINCIPLE; Begin Action/ Activity. Start Action/ Activity. Take Action/ Activity. This is one sure way of moving towards life accomplishments.

---- By James Okere

James Okere is a political scientist, an author, public speaker, social entrepreneur and inspirational blogger-

Friday, 5 June 2020

Inspire for Success - James Okere


James Ngozi Okere studied Political Science at the University of Nigeria Nsukka, Eastern Nigeria and he is a member of Nigerian Institute of Management (MNIM).

James enjoys reading, writing and thinking on developmental issues. His five motivational books are published online- You Too Can Be Great (Core Value Self- Re-Orientation), 2017, Developing Yourself, 2017, How To Excel In Life, 2017, Building Success In Life, 2018 and Developing Global Wealth Through The Youth, 2019, all by Lulu Publishers, USA.

He is also the author of the following books: A Rotary Hand Book For Rotaractors, 1995, Nigeria By The Year 2040 - Path To National Unity And Stability (A Nigerian Thought), 2001, Who Is Who (In Nigeria Fifty Years Of Political Quotes), 2002 and You Too Can Be Great (Core Value Self- Re-Orientation) 2011.

He has many published works on Nigeria's political ideas.

Presently, James Okere is the Lead Consultant of Inspire Foundation (IF) Leadership and Mentorship Academy. He is an Author, Public Speaker, Inspirational Blogger, a Social Entrepreneur and Project Coordinator of Inspire Foundation (IF), an NGO. Inspire Foundation (IF) is involved in educational issues covering self Enhancement and Advocacy in these areas: Mentorship, Entrepreneurship, Leadership, and Self Development values aimed at developing a better society.

Okere is a firm believer in prayers and holds that everybody is somebody. He lives in Owerri, Imo State Eastern Nigeria.


At what point in your life, did you realize you wanted to be a writer?

When I reflect back, I became convinced that writing is in me. That is to say; that God endowed me with the gift of writing as to manifest His Glory in me

How long does it take you to write a book?

For sure it takes time to finish writing a book; for me, especially in the past, there is no defined time of completing any particular book; it depends on the book I am writing. I have written a book that took me close to five years- A Rotary Hand Book of Rotaractors, two years- Nigeria By The Year 2040 - Path To National Unity And Stability (A Nigerian Thought), twelve years- Who Is Who (In Nigeria Fifty Years Of Political Quotes) and seven years- You Too Can Be Great (Core Value Self- Re-Orientation).

However, now that I have narrowed my purpose on this planet Earth in the area of motivation/inspirational values and having known the importance of goals in life, I now schedule myself between eight-twelve months to finish any book I have decided to write on, outside the time of publishing same.

What inspired you to write motivational books?

 The God factor and fate played major roles. Also,  commendations from people that followed after I have written my first motivational book- You Too Can Be Great (Core Value Self- Re-Orientation) in 2011, and the subsequent interactions I had with my good friends- Joachim Ibezim, Ph.D and Nnamdi Ogwazu (an online Media Practitioner) became a springboard. Thus, the encouraging discussions I had with these my friends towards my purpose on this earth gave rise to my developing a global leadership, personality development and mentorship value-driven website in the year 2013,

How do you get information and ideas for your books?

The God factor and the inspiration that follows have been very supportive in generating ideas for my books. At times, the idea will drop and I will not delay in recording the same accordingly. Also, my great interest in reading numerous works have been quite supportive. I read a lot as to generate ideas, information and concepts for my works and to apply the same when the time comes. Through my personal journals, I obtain information when the need arises. Books of great people including biographies I read energize and kept me going in my mission statement. If really you want to make it in life you must read, read and read. In the year 2016, I read about 18 books as to keep myself going on with my vision and works of the future.

What kind of research do you do, and how long do you spend researching before beginning a book?

The research I do are based on the books I read. To the Glory of God, I read voraciously in this my calling. In addition, I read quality books. I also download and read great works from great authors, entrepreneurs, public speakers, pastors, leaders. I also read works on biographies of great people and keep journals of important points. From all these books I gain insights and compound my ideas waiting for utilization when I am writing. In the world of writing, any person spending quality time reading has already spent quality time researching before beginning to write any book. I am a living example.

Is there any author or book that influenced your writing?

Nobody is an Island. Whatever I have achieved in my mission statement for which writing is an aspect is attributable to supports of many authors, entrepreneurs, public speakers and pastors. Therefor many books and authors have contributed a lot in my writing.

What were the challenges in getting your first book published?

For our discussion, let me use my motivational e-books. My first motivational e-book: published was “You Too Can Be Great (Core Value Self- Re-Orientation)” in 2017. Please note that the hard copy of the book is already published in Nigeria in the year 2011. Naturally being my first e-book came with its challenges. The challenge of who handles the technical issues with the publishers. Who edits the book to its perfection as required.
By the grace of God, fate smiled on me as my website developer accepted to publish the work with Lulu when I am through with the editing. The same fate also threw its self-up when my online assistant- Odinaka Onwuatuegwu, painstakingly studied the editing details from Lulu and tidied up the editing of my e-book. I must admit; it was not easy for him. The next major challenge is that of marketing the e-book online, this challenge is still prevalent and one day with greater skill and hard work, it would be surmounted. As an author, you must persevere before reaping; this is a major experience of every author.

How many books have you written? Which is your favourite?

I have written five motivational books and they are: You Too Can Be Great (Core Value Self- Re-Orientation), 2011(published as an e-book in 2017), Developing Yourself, 2017, How To Excel In Life, 2017, Building Success In Life, 2018 and Developing Global Wealth Through The Youth, 2019, all by Lulu Publishers, USA. My sixth motivational book- The Power of Purpose Discovery, has been submitted to Lulu for publication.

Outside the motivational books, I have also written the following books- A Rotary Hand Book For Rotaractors, 1995, Nigeria By The Year 2040 - Path To National Unity And Stability (A Nigerian Thought), 2001 & Who Is Who (In Nigeria Fifty Years Of Political Quotes), 2002.

I will say that the book- You Too Can Be Great (Core Value Self- Re-Orientation) is my favourite; this book has attracted many accolades to me and visibility. It has also given me a greater platform, recognition and credibility.

The Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) in their letter to me described the book thus “Your initiative to write a book on “You Too Can Be Great” is laudable. The book is rich in mentoring for the teeming youths who constitute the bulk of potential entrepreneurs”. 

The book is a major success story of my life, my other motivational books and my works are on my website.

What do you consider as your best accomplishment?

My best accomplishment is the grace of God upon my life towards recognizing my purpose on this planet earth; which is “Inspire The world–Raising Global leaders”

My mission is geared towards sharing values of success, which accomplished persons internalized and applied in the cause of fulfilling their goals in life. Developed individuals with values of success drive societies into greatness. They are leaders the world yields for total transformation towards societal advancement.

This process of “Inspiring the World: Raising Global Leaders” started with developing my inspiring website: , where I blog in line with my mission. Thus, I blog in these areas; leadership, mentorship, personality, entrepreneurship and inspirational nuggets. These areas give me joy since my calling is to inspire the world–raising global leaders.

To the glory of God, I am the Lead Consultant of IFLMA. Participation in this online programme is growing. The program has offered participants, especially the youth to build transforming values of their life, which is my core driving mission.

In addition, my mission to inspire the world; raising global leaders have further expanded in authorship of motivational, inspirational and self -development books.

What do you like to do when you're not writing?

When I am not writing, I do general reading; what I mean is this, I lay my hands in many reading materials including journal as to further build my intellect and insights. Also, I take out time to think on my mission. In addition, when I am not writing especially in the daytime, I engage myself in a discussion.

How will someone reach you and learn more about your books?

Today, my five e-books as published are accessible via my lulu links,  My sixth e-book (The Power of Purpose Discovery) would soon be published You can also access my books via my website,  One can also reach me via my James Okere Facebook page (which I have used extensively to expand my mission statement and in building values of greatness in people). In addition, one can also join my Inspire Foundation Leadership & Mentorship Academy (IFLMA) to learn more about my books and thoughts. The programme is accessible via my website.

Also, you can also have Pdf copies of my books and can reach me via my E-mail

Thursday, 4 June 2020

Nine Strategies for success

Once you have your goal described and laid down, you think of the steps you will take to successfully achieve your goal.

The key to success is having a strategy for getting to where you want to be and how you will get things done to get there.

The dictionary defined strategy as "a plan of action intended to accomplish a specific goal."

Having a strategic plan allows you to look at and identify your plans for the future.

Nine Strategies for Success

1. Be Specific. You need to have a specific goal. Having something to aim for will help you move forward. A success that is not defined is very hard to achieve. Setting S.M.A.R.T. goals can be a helpful tool in your planning process. A goal that is Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-Bound.

2. Write it down: making a plan and writing it down brings it to life. It makes it tangible and achievable. Putting your plan on paper helps you to know in advance what you will do, and when and where you will do it. It gives you a sense of direction as well as provides a reference point as you work through the plan. It also helps you to take notes, monitor and checkmark your progress, and make updates and corrections where and when necessary. In outlining the step you will take to achieve what you want;. make sure to tie it to a timeframe; create a timeline to follow when pursuing your goal.

3. Challenge yourself. Pursuing a goal that is achievable is a great way to increase your drive for success. Challenges can keep you interested in a task, build your willpower muscle, improve your self-esteem, and offer feedback on areas you will need to improve on as you strive forward.

4. Be competitive. Don't fear competition. There are other people trying to achieve the same goal as you, but this doesn't mean you should give up. Having competitors gives you a base to compare your efforts to others, as well as spur you to keep doing better. You need to be competitive and combative in a healthy and positive way to be above your competitors to achieve success.

5. Mental toughness. If you don’t have it already, you have to develop it. It is the resilience you need to forge ahead even in the face of challenges. People who possess mental strength don’t buckle in the face of challenges. Rather, they see them as opportunities to learn and gain experience. One of the key habits of successful people is that they always look at setbacks or failures as learning opportunities.

6. Believe in yourself. Stay positive and be self-encouraging. have control over your vision, be confident of your abilities to succeed, and be committed and focused on getting to the finishing line. Even in the face of impossibilities or setbacks, don’t allow them to hold you back or weigh you down. Focus on ways to overcome them.

7. Network. The world is now about who you know, not what you know. Make use of social media. Network online and offline. Networking increases your sphere of influence. Build beneficial relationships with successful people. It will open doors of opportunity you probably will not encounter if you go it all alone. Look for people who will tell you where your flaws are and what you can do about them, not sycophants who will sing your praise and make you feel infallible.

Doing things alone can be difficult, but having a backup makes things easier. Your network includes friends, co-workers, and family members. They are your powerful support team, especially when things get tough. They can offer advice and assistance that can help you improve your chances of success.

8. Find a Mentor(s). find people who have already achieved what you want to achieve and make them your mentors. One reason you need a mentor is to make sure you will not make the same mistakes as those who came before you. Learn from what others have done and how they did it. It will help skip a lot of setbacks and speed up your path to success.

9. Prayer. Above every other thing, you need to be prayerful. Commit everything into God’s hand if God is with you and, for you, your success is assured.

Saturday, 30 May 2020

Action: The key to success

Visualise your success, that’s the dream. Believe in it, that’s the mindset. Work towards achieving it, that’s action. Dream, mindset and action equal success. Very simple, right?

We all have dreams of succeeding in life. Dreaming is easy, believing in that dream and working towards actualising it is a different ball game altogether.

If you can visualise it, believe in it; with determination, you can make it come true. This is what success is all about.

You want to be successful in life? Then have a success mindset and a set down goal (s) you want to achieve. Good, now you need to take action to set your goals in motion. You need to think of how to actualise your vision to make your success come true. 

The execution of your goal is the most critical part. It is crucial to the achieving or failing of your dream and your success. If you want to achieve success, then you need to learn how to execute your plans. To do this, you need a strategy.

Thursday, 21 May 2020

Success mindset.

The slogan, “If you want to be a millionaire, think like a millionaire,” was made popular in Nigeria in the days of ‘Bassy and Company’, a television drama. In essence, it’s all about mindset.

You want to be successful, cultivate a success mindset. Develop a mental picture of your success in your mind eyes.  Be passionate, be purposeful, be intentional, be disciplined and be dedicated to your quest.

Choose something you love to do, set your mind on it, stick to it no matter whether you’re good at it.  Take proactive measures. Look for ways to gain the knowledge and develop the skills you needed to overcome your ineptness.

To have a success mindset involves determination, firmness of purpose, a willingness to work hard towards your goal no matter the obstacles, difficulties or challenges along the way.  Do not see failure as a reflection of your abilities, rather view it as a spur and a valuable source of experience from which to learn, improve and move forward.

Put in your best effort and believe your effort amounts to something worthy. Your effort and your hard work can lead to significant growth in your quest for success.

Importance of Success

Most people are preoccupied with being successful in life because we all want to feel like we matter. We want respect and recognition from those around us.

Lack of success makes us look back on our life with disappointment for our lack of impact on the people around us.

Working  towards achieving success gives a greater purpose to our life and  keeps us fighting to grow and impact others and  improve our self-esteem, 

While most of us might not get to the level of international success, the fact we attained our goals in life is enough victory to live by.

The aim of achieving success helps us live a more purposeful life,  pushes us to overcome challenges,  makes us work harder and adds to our happiness and state of well- being.

Monday, 18 May 2020

Success-driven life

I was once counselling a young man who had become delinquent. And I asked him, “What do you want to be in future? He told me he wants to be successful.  “Good,” I responded. “But successful in what?” He gave me a blank stare and no response. I’m not surprised, being successful in life is everyone’s dream but few people have set down goals that will propel them toward being successful.

But then. Success is subjective because success is whatever you define it to be for you. Also, your reason for wanting to be successful in life will be personal to you. Your family, parents, and friends may have their own definition of success. But their definitions may not tally with yours. 

Success is not always equated with being rich or winning awards, it can be about personal fulfilment of goals.
Yes, genuine success is the achievement of your set down goal(s)

Whatever that will make you feel fulfilled and happy is what you need to focus on while working towards becoming successful. Determine which aspect of your life you want to achieve success. Is it in your career? In your business? Or spiritual life?  First, you make the decision that you want it, then you strive for what you want.

You want to achieve success in life?  Dream big always, think positively, don’t settle for half measures and then, read, study and learn from successful people. Back up your dream with constant action, never give up, believe in yourself and be proactive. Success will come when you’re committed. 

Sunday, 26 January 2020


Concepts of Love 2

Your perception of love and your style of loving are all rolled up with your temperament. Your personality, your disposition and natural inclination make up who you are and determine the attitude you portray and the vibes you exude in your love and sexual relationship. Everything about your personality is rolled up into a mould termed temperament.

Temperament is your fundamental nature and mood. It is the way you respond to challenges and restraints, and to stimuli like fear, irritation, anxiety, etc. It is also about your emotion, attentiveness to details, attention span, and sensitivity to love and sexual activity.

There are four basic temperaments, Sanguine, Choleric, Phlegmatic and Melancholy. Each of these four temperaments exerts influence on the way a person exhibits love and seeks sexual gratification in a relationship.


The Sanguine people are fun-lovers, playful, entertaining, easily amused, and easily bored, too. They have an optimistic nature and are enthusiastic and animated about life and the activities around them. Yes, they’re affectionate, generous and open-minded. They have sociable manners; being approachable and trusting of others, they build relationships effortlessly in contact with others. Sanguines have personable personalities; engaging smiles, smooth talkers, and are very fluent with words.

Sanguines want to be involved in everything going on around them because they hate solitude and boredom. Their attention span is short-lived if the activity or person is not excitable. They can change their focus or interest in an instant if they become bored.

The Sanguine lovers are emotionally versatile and so can adapt to almost any relationship situation. Because of their adventurous nature, a relationship with a Sanguine person can be a rollercoaster of fun.  They’re free-spirited and don’t desire to control others, but don’t try to clip their wings.

Sanguine lovers are good listeners and very attentive to their partners... Though talkative, Sanguine people find self-expository difficult, though they can talk about themselves or their attitude in a jocular, non-serious manner.

They don’t store their thoughts and emotions nor hide their feelings; if they think it or feel it, they express it. They bear their hearts out without restraint or conscious thought to their partner’s feelings.

Sanguine people have a relaxed attitude towards sex. Most sanguine doesn’t link sex to love; to them, sex is a recreation and a fun ride. They can engage in a one-night stand just for the fun of it. They can be both erotic and ludic lovers.


Choleric people are extroverts with independent minds and good analytical skills. They are bold, strong-willed, self-confident, self-sufficient and ambitious. In their dealings with others, they are firm and direct to the point when communicating with others. Cholerics can be ruthless and decisive. They lack empathy for the feelings of others and show no compassion when they decide to take action, especially when offended.

They are domineering, opinionated and controlling freaks, so they tend to enjoy being in charge and always want to have their way in everything. They enjoy discussing and planning activities upfront, they don’t like surprises. They’re purpose-driven and goal-oriented in nature.

People with a choleric temperament don’t play shenanigans in a relationship as sanguine people. They don’t easily fall in love; Choleric people approach a relationship in a calculative and analytical manner. They’re Shopping List Lovers, It’s important to them that their potential partner shares the same aspirations and interests with them and so they choose partners cautiously. But once they find someone who they think is worthy of their time and effort, they will focus intensively on that person. They can be very romantic and deeply committed to their partners. They don’t easily change their minds. they are not so expressive of their emotion with words rather they use actions and acts of kindness, care and attentiveness to show their love. They are tenacious and can hold on to a relationship even if it wasn’t going in their favour.

Most have a high sex drive and so are sexually active, but they don’t hop from one partner to another; once they are in a committed relationship, they constantly demand sex from their partners. They’re full of energy and passion.


Phlegmatics are introverts, calm, unemotional, passive, easygoing, indecisive, accepting, receptive, kind, self-content and faithful. They’re curious, observant, persistent and consistent at whatever they do. Because they are slow and indecisive, they don’t make quick decisions and tend to procrastinate easily.

Phlegmatics are not outgoing or pushful in whatever they do. They don’t make things happen; they are the laid-back types that just let things happen. They are shy but warm and affectionate in their response to others; They don't have a large network of friends but are possessive of their friendships and very loyal to their friends. When they choose lovers, it is always within their circle of friends, someone on the same emotional ground as them. They’re friendship lovers; they tend to choose partners within their circle of friends, someone who has been around them for some time.

They find it difficult to break long-standing relationships regardless of the odds because they always go for a long-term commitment where they seek bonding, nurturing, and intimate attachment. However, once a relationship is broken, they seldom return. They can hold a grudge.

Phlegmatics lovers are very sensitive and can be deeply hurt by rejection, though they usually hide their true feelings behind their stoic expressions. Phlegmatics are slow to warm up to people or things but will be accommodating once they do and they will truly give themselves and work on maintaining intimacy with their significant others. They will avoid conflicts and confrontations; they will likely make adjustments and sacrifices to keep their relationships going.

They prefer a relaxed and routine life, free of anxieties and stresses. The real Phlegmatic will avoid getting too involved with people and life in general. They don’t want anything that will rock their lifeboat.

Of the four temperaments, they’re the most romantic. They fall in love most often and want a romantic and cosy relationship. They plan romantic evenings and weekends. The types that send you romantic cards or write love letters, and send romantic love messages to your phone. They're affectionate, love to cuddle, hug, to give gifts and will not be abashed to confess their love. To them, sex and love are interconnected and sexual activity has to take place in a romantic setting and style, though they don’t seek sexual activity early in a relationship and when they eventually engage in sex, they will expect that a meaningful relationship will develop because they like to uphold tradition.


Melancholies are introverts, reserved, timid and moody. Though they have logical, analytical minds and are quality-oriented individuals. Melancholies are perfectionists. This tends to make them conscientious, cautious, anxiety-prone and sensitive to others' opinions of them.

Melancholies fear taking risks, making wrong decisions, and being criticised, so they take time to think about their options before deciding. Also, they need enough information, time alone to process the information, and a detailed plan of action to function well in whatever they do.

They are creative, gifted and capable people. Because of their creative nature, they can be oversensitive to details, for they always want to do things right.

Melancholic lovers are more pragmatic and down-to-earth in their relationships. They don’t choose their lovers impulsively rather, they do it cautiously, based on common sense and compatibility. Also, Melancholics choose their life partners considering the opinions of their friends and family members. Because they’re loyal to family and care much about people’s opinions of the choices they make, they tend to need friends and relatives to approve of their partners before they make a commitment to them.

Intimacy with Melancholics develops slowly, however; they can be very romantic and passionate when in love. Sex for Melancholics is for relaxation but not as a playful adventure in the case of sanguine people. Because they are reserved and suspicious of people’s intentions, they usually have fewer sexual experiences before marriage. they are the least sexually active of the four temperaments.

Overcoming Insecurity in a Relationship

Insecurity in a relationship can stem from various sources, including experiences, low self-esteem, lack of trust, or fear of abandonment. I...