Showing posts with label dream. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dream. Show all posts

Friday, 16 June 2023

Create a path to your success.

Success is not accidental. You must work and create a path for your success. Also, it is not an overnight achievement but a process that involves ideas, plans and actions.

I met this young lady, Chika, at a function and was amazed at her success as a fashion designer, and she is planning to lunch her clothing line soon. According to her, she had a passion for fashion and started designing clothes as a little girl. Her dream was to own a big fashion house and a clothing line. 

Yes, everyone has a dream, and it takes courage and determination to achieve it.  Chika didn’t just dream but backed it up with action and hard work. After completing her higher education in computer science, she decided to follow her dream but not without an action plan.

She knew starting a fashion business required a lot of effort and input. So, first, she did her research, studied the fashion industry, followed fashion blogs, and attended trade shows and networking events. She also sought advice from successful fashion designers.

With the knowledge gained, Chika created a business plan, which included a detailed marketing strategy, financial projections, and a production and distribution plan. She also identified her target audience to design her clothing line accordingly.

To fund her business, Chika applied for a business loan from a bank. She also reached out to family members. With her business plan and funding secured, Chika built her team, hired experienced designers and production managers and worked with them to create her collections. The overwhelming response to her design encouraged her to work harder. She invested in her brand's online presence by creating a website and social media accounts to showcase her designs and reach more customers.

Finally, after years of hard work, Chika is set to launch her fashion line. Her success is not accidental. She created a path for her success by 

Doing her research.

Creating a solid business plan.

Securing funding.

Building a talented team.

Investing in her brand's online presence. 

With determination and hard work, Chika turned her dream into a successful reality. She didn’t gain her success overnight or by wilful thinking but by planning and taking action. Chika’s story proves that anyone can achieve success. Identify your passion, your dream and work to bring it to reality.

Do things that will create a path to success in your chosen career.

Saturday, 30 May 2020

Action: The key to success

Visualise your success, that’s the dream. Believe in it, that’s the mindset. Work towards achieving it, that’s action. Dream, mindset and action equal success. Very simple, right?

We all have dreams of succeeding in life. Dreaming is easy, believing in that dream and working towards actualising it is a different ball game altogether.

If you can visualise it, believe in it; with determination, you can make it come true. This is what success is all about.

You want to be successful in life? Then have a success mindset and a set down goal (s) you want to achieve. Good, now you need to take action to set your goals in motion. You need to think of how to actualise your vision to make your success come true. 

The execution of your goal is the most critical part. It is crucial to the achieving or failing of your dream and your success. If you want to achieve success, then you need to learn how to execute your plans. To do this, you need a strategy.

Monday, 27 May 2019

Every Child Has A Destiny

Every child is created for a purpose, so there is a reason for your life, as a child you’re created and wonderfully made by a good God. You’re created with rights, not just your human rights as a teenager but your natural rights, the one that comes from God which is a right to a great destiny.

The coming of age is a coming into awareness and discernment of what God has created you for. As a teenager, your primary task is figuring out who you are, your individuality, your autonomy, your rights, your belief and your identity, for it is only when you get these into correct perspective that you will know your destiny.

As a child, Jesus was able to answer these questions about himself so he knew what his path in life was at that early stage and followed it through. (Luke 2 vs 42-43, 48-49). What about you? Do you know where you’re heading with your life? Because if you know where you’re going, then you will know how to get there.
Life is a journey from one point to another until you get to your destined port and where that would be is in your hands. All along as a child, you were being led by your parents but now as a teenager, you’re in the driver’s seat, ready to zoom off with the rest of your life. The way you take charge, the way you take control determines how far you will go and how fast you will get to your destination/destiny.

Yes, life is a journey but a short one indeed, and so beware, a person on a tight schedule doesn’t tarry or play around, he makes haste to get to his destination and on time. In this journey, you don’t just set out without an idea of where you’re going or you become a wanderer; you need a master plan, you need a map, and this is where dreams and visions come to play.

What are dreams? Dreams are the tiny seedlings of reality and every teenager has got a dream. But for your dream to come true you need vision to propel you, and without vision, your dreams perish (Proverb 29 vs18).

Vision is like a beacon, it leads you on and shows you all the road maps and signposts to keep you going in the right direction towards the attainment of your dream, which is your destiny. A writer put it, “If you have a dream, don’t sleep until you realise it, then you can catch up on your sleep.” A dream not realised is a talent wasted.

Vision keeps you going even when the road is tough and rough; you persist because you definitely know where you’re going but if you don’t have a vision, you will miss the way or be discouraged along the way. A person who misses his/her way ends up in frustration and goes through like a wanderer (Proverb 27 vs 8).

What is between you and your right to a great destiny is you and the choices you make in life. You’re the one that determines which way to row your lifeboat. You choose which direction to go by choosing the type of values you assimilate and the companies you keep. You should constantly ask yourself what values and beliefs to embrace or reject, what kind of people do I make friends with, who are my role models and why did I choose them as role models?

If you hang with people who don’t share the same values and ideologies or people who are not going in the same direction or destination with you, the tendency to miss your way is assured. Don’t flock with people that are not your own kind.

It’s essential your rights are not trampled upon, it’s necessary you don’t give up your rights to grate future or exchange it with something less than its worth. It’s your right but you have to position yourself to obtain it, achieve it, enjoy it and be glad in it. So, whatever you do, whatever you have passion for, build your life around it for that is your destiny, begin to nurture it now.

Overcoming Insecurity in a Relationship

Insecurity in a relationship can stem from various sources, including experiences, low self-esteem, lack of trust, or fear of abandonment. I...