Showing posts with label Satan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Satan. Show all posts

Monday, 27 September 2021

Dillibe Onyeama's Anti-Christ (Book Review)


I've always loved and enjoyed books by Dillibe Onyeama. This book is no exception. In the introduction, Mr Onyeama stated that the essence of the book Anti-Christ is an “attempt to open the eyes of those who care to look to the reality of how specific historic and current events are synchronizing exactly with chronological biblical prophecy.” 

He divided the book into two parts.

Book one, titled “Spirit of Deception” has seven chapters and book two titled “Spirit of Evil” has nine chapters. The main theme of the book is the deceptions and evils that have plagued the world since creation and the roles played by Satan and his fallen angels in deceiving the world and causing mayhem on earth.

Mr Onyeama traces the origin of man biblically and the place of the black race and African in the scheme of creation with particle reference to the Igbo people of Nigeria, with facts from different sources to authenticate the claim. According to the author, the emergency of different races, religions and pigments of the human species are all schemes of Satan, an effective ploy to deceive man and bring confusion in the world. He challenges the supremacy attitude of the white race and enthroned the black race as God’s first creatures on earth.

The book weaves its way through many controversial issues like the existence of ghosts, UFO’s, reincarnation theories and sightings of the Virgin Mary, which he sees as the antics of sly tacticians from the world of the fallen angels on earth and part of Satan’s web of deception and manipulation of man. There is a lot of build-up of theories that the antichrist is in the world already, waiting to fulfil its prophecy. The author cited world events and conspiracy theories that pointed towards the emergency of the antichrist with biblical landmarks.

Lots of conspiracy theories have been flaunted about the coming of the antichrist. Conspiracy theories are nothing new. Each generation comes up with its own conspiracy theories and the world has heard many tales of the birth of the biblical beast or antichrist which were quoted in the book. End-time prophesies are not new but with each generation, the story snowballs, and we hold our breaths and wait for the rapture to take place and the antichrist to take over and rule the world for three and half years as foretold biblically.

The book antichrist is a harvest of information on the world’s march toward Armageddon. In glaring words, Mr Onyeama narrates the efforts and plans of world leaders to bring about a new world order that will usher in world peace. However, their efforts seem to be a mirage as each fought for the supremacy of their races and countries, which according to Mr Onyeama is part of Satan’s script to take over the reign of the earth from God and distort God’s plan for humans on earth. 

He writes extensively of events and incidences of the presumed antichrist and Satan’s untiring efforts to deceive humans and set them against their maker. Some of which are the alarming disregard of God in civilized nations,  the rise of devil worshippers and the enthronement of atheist civilization. And then, the aspiration of man to play God through cloning of humans using DNA code.  He notes that the possibility of scientists creating humans with extraordinary superpowers through genetic engineering has only been a work in progress for decades. Though achieved in science fiction films, the world is yet to witness it in reality.

The growing incident of evil in the world, the death of Christianity in developed nations especially in America that is termed “God’s Own Country and computer technology that will produce a micro-chip which will contain financial and personal data of owners are mentioned in the book as part of the events that will herald the coming of the antichrist.

A well-researched book, overflowing with facts that will pique the curiosity of anyone who is interested in the story of man's creation and the conspiracy theories surrounding the coming of the antichrist 

Though engaging, there are some contestable summations in the book. For instance, Mr Onyeama writes that “The myth of reincarnation of human beings has no foundation in reality.” Reincarnation is a controversial topic which one cannot wave away as untrue. There are many cultures that believe in it.


And the ending is informative, but it wasn’t the ending I expected. Base on Arnold Schwarzenegger's current status ascribing his life as the prototype of the expected antichrist sounds far fetch. 

The book is an eye-opener,  a warning to the church not to lose its grip and to focus on the coming of Christ. And the world to prepare for the great tribulation that awaits it. The big question is when? Even Jesus couldn’t answer the question.

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