Showing posts with label Romance. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Romance. Show all posts

Friday, 29 April 2022

Beyond Dreams(Romance)

Tonia is a strong and independent woman who is insecure about love and commitment. She meets Duke, a young, handsome billionaire, and the siren whisper of love blows through her heart like a warm breeze. But all she wants from him is pleasure without promises, no strings, no emotional commitments.

Duke never commits to a woman. His Modus operandi is; Meet. Get in. Have fun. Get out. One night of fiery passion with Tonia and Duke is breaking some of his rules for her and will break more with gusto to get to her icy heart.

Tonia is on the run, to protect her heart, afraid if she opens her heart to Duke, she would wake up to an empty dream.

Friday, 3 December 2021

Qualities of a good husband


Every woman wants a good husband. Most mothers with grown-up daughters spend hours in prayer at home or in churches, praying for their daughters, not just to marry, but to marry a good husband.

What are the ‘goods’ in a man that qualifies him as a good husband? 

Does a good son make a good husband? Not always. And there is a difference between being a good man and a good husband.

For a man to be a good husband, he has to be intentional and knowledgeable about what it takes to build a peaceful and lovely home for his family.

Marriage is a beautiful relationship if you understand the tenets of handling your ‘marriageship’ and exhibiting qualities that will make you a good husband.

Qualities of a Good Husband?

An emotionally matured man.

It takes an emotionally intelligent man to confront conflict in marriage constructively while remaining resilient and supportive of his wife. The difference between a good husband and a bad one is the management of conflicts.

It takes a man who is emotionally mature, well-grounded and with a sense of balance to control his impulses and respond to challenging issues sensibly, rather than reacting impulsively.

A mature man should have the capacity to deal with the challenge, disappointment, and stress of marriage. That is why it is said that marriage is for men, not for boys.

A cheerful man: 

Women love men who are witty and have a sense of humour. A husband who knows how to make his wife smile at the right time; is a good husband. 

A man who comes home with a cheerful face despite having a bad day at work is a husband to hold on to. Women love men who could differentiate between the office environment and their homes. A good husband leaves the mean and grumpy face at the door and put up a cheerful disposition as he crosses the threshold of his home. 

Try to enter your home as cheerful and light-hearted as you can, even if you had a bad day at the office or are physically exhausted after driving through traffic.

There’s nothing a good husband loves more than making his wife and family happy. 

A Faithful man. 

Loyalty and faithfulness are prime qualities of a good husband. A man who has a sense of honour and duty remembers the sacred vows he took on his wedding day and respect them. 

A good husband knows that no matter how many beautiful women he meets in a day, there is only one woman who owns his heart, and that is his wife. 

A good husband is loyal to his wife. He never let her feel she is not good enough for him. If you love your wife, be loyal to her. Never make her feel you are not true to her, else it will break her heart.

A Responsible man. 

Biblically and culturally, it is the duty of a man to provide for his family. A good husband takes his marriage as his responsibility and is responsible for his financial obligations in the house. A good husband knows his family needs must always come before his own and, as such, use his money wisely.

Even if your wife works, it is an act of irresponsibility for a man to depend on his wife's salary. Good husbands prefer to have that as a backup rather than a major part of their family expenses.

A reliable man

 Every woman wants a man she could rely on. A good husband is there for his wife when she needs him. He provides her reassurance when she stumbles or is feeling down. He is available for her when she needs a shoulder to lean on when life hits her.

A good husband is never too busy for his wife. When it matters, he drops everything to give her attention and affection.

When a husband does what he says; when a husband does not lie; when a husband is consistent with positive qualities, then he is dependable and a husband a woman can rely on.

A supportive man.

A good husband supports his wife in all stages of her life. He does not belittle her or hurt her ego. If she is a working woman, understand she has work pressures too. Understand when she needs to stay late at work and give her your support. 

A good husband supports his wife by taking some weight off her shoulders and helping her with housework. Never leave your wife to handle the smooth running of the household alone, even if she is a stay at home mom.

A good husband is proud of his wife’s accomplishments and compliments her. A good husband supports his wife, even when the going gets tough, he always sees the good things in life and stays positive when faced with adversity to cheer the wife up. Support from a good husband challenges the wife to put in her best efforts and grow as a person. 

If a man is supportive, values you as his equal and loves you just the way you are, you have a good husband or a good husband material.

A sensitivity man. 

Be sensitive to the needs of your wife and try to meet them. Not just physical needs but emotional needs as well. Do not let your feelings toward life's changes affect your feelings toward your wife. A good husband needs to be sensitive to the requirements of his wife, treat her as an equal.

 If your wife has a goal she wants to work towards, do everything that you can for her. Don’t laugh at her dreams because that will break her spirit. 

You are the one man in the world she feels will understand her when the rest of the world thinks she is silly. Women appreciate men who make an effort to like things she does, either hobbies or passions. 

As a good husband, stand up for your wife, make her believe she can do anything she wants to do. She will love you even more for that.

A respectful man: 

A good husband speaks lovingly to his wife and refrains from using harsh words. A good husband never chooses to belittle, strike, humiliate or harm his wife in private or in public. A good husband watches what he says and thinks his thoughts through before speaking because he wouldn’t want to offend his wife in words or actions. 

A good husband treats his wife with respect in front of others and at home.  A good husband considers his wife’s opinion when making important family decisions. 

A good husband never makes his wife feel silly for what she believes in, if you don’t believe in the same, respect her beliefs.

Understanding, accepting and respecting the fact your wife is a separate being, who has different ideas, dreams, and opinions, is important in a marriage. 

A good husband respects his wife’s wishes and her needs. A good husband does not force his wife to give up on her dreams to follow his, but talks things out and sees what works for both of them.

A non-judgmental man. 

A good husband never judges his wife for her flaws. A golden rule in life is that you need to walk in someone else’s shoes to understand what they are going through before you judge them. Marriage is part of life. The rule is applicable here as well.

Avoid judging every action or opinion of your wife. A good husband understands his wife differs from him and that her experiences and likings differ from his, too.

If your wife did something or said something you didn’t agree with, show understanding by applying the golden rule, rather than making her feel she does not measure up or has goofed big time. People have their flaws and faults. A good husband accepts the bad with the good of the woman he married. 

A man with excellent communication skills: Communication is the key to a healthy marriage. A man who has healthy communication skills makes a good husband.

A man with excellent communication skills does not bottle up his feelings or emotions, it’s unhealthy and could lead to conflicts. 

A man who shares his thoughts and feelings with his wife without reservation; a man who talks things out with his wife; a man who discusses difficult subjects with his wife; they can disagree or argue, and yet still come to some kind of resolution later, is a good husband.

A good husband is a good listener, too. He listens when his wife talks and listens to his wife's complaints and empathises with what's going on in her life. Good communication helps in building trust and strengthens marriage. 

An honest man. Trust is paramount to a healthy marriage, and what builds trust in a relationship is honesty. A good husband is a man who is open to his wife at all times and does not keep her in the dark about what is going on in his life, business or workplace.

Being a trustworthy man is a proactive role. It requires a conscious effort, affirmed continuously by the decision and actions the man takes.  

A good husband ensures he gains the trust of his wife. He never gives his wife a chance to doubt him or feel insecure. He never gives her any reason not to trust him. And he let her know she can trust him with anything.

An honest man makes a good husband. Telling your wife the truth, not hiding things from her and involving her in every aspect of your life will earn her trust and will ensure you gain respect and honesty right back from her.

A Loving and affectionate man. 

Nothing trips a woman like when her man shows her love and affection as often as possible. Women are a sucker for affection. Every woman likes to be pampered.  A good husband pampers and appreciates his wife and notices her at all times. And compliments her when she spots a new hairdo or dresses up nice and cute.

Most women love romance and like it when their husbands’ shower love on them, so remember to be romantic with your wife once in a while. A good husband knows how to pamper his wife and indulge her in the things she loves. It shows her how much you care about her and will win you some points with her, and she will indulge you in the things that you love as well.

A good husband is mindful. It's important for a man not to neglect his woman. A good husband never forgets the special days in his wife’s life, like birthday and wedding anniversary.

A Protective man: 

A woman needs to feel secure around her man. A good husband makes his wife feel that when she is with him, no one can harm her. You don't need to be Mr Macho, but at least when you are with her others should not take advantage of her or insult her. 

A good husband is protective and never abusive to his wife. A good husband doesn’t tolerate others disrespecting his wife. He never allows someone to insult or say mean jokes about his wife. He let people know he is always at his wife’s side, come what may.

An understanding and appreciative man. A good husband understands his wife has a life other than being his wife. She has her parents, friends and colleagues who are part of her life too. She may have hobbies or passions outside you. Don’t expect her undivided attention. Don’t stop her if she wants to go out and hang out with her friends sometimes, engage in a hobby or spend some time with her parents.

A good husband understands everything about his wife- her thoughts, ambitions, opinions, her friends, her job. He doesn’t make her feel bad about her life circumstances, and he appreciates the person she is and the choices she has made.

As a good husband, be warm, kind, positive, and understanding to everyone around you, and appreciate your wife. 

A selfless and kind man

Kindness in a man is a very appealing quality to women. It assures a woman that the man will never hurt her and will always do what is best for her and the family. 

Kindness towards others makes a wife proud of her husband enough to brag about it to all her friends. Nobody likes an arrogant man. A good husband is pleasant and kind to friends and family. 

A good husband is up and doing and helps his wife with housework. As her husband, your wife will appreciate it so much if you were more active in the home, cleaning up after yourself and helping out with some chores. 

Just because your wife doesn’t work doesn’t mean her work at home is less strenuous. She might have struggled with children and housework all day.

A sexually capable man: 

Sexual intimacy is essential to marriage. Good sex helps to strengthen your emotional and physical attraction to your wife. A good husband satisfies his wife in bed and is faithful to her. Good sex plays a vital role in a satisfying and healthy relationship. Sexual frustration makes a nagging wife and can cause conflict at home.

A good husband is not just passionate when it comes to the physical aspect of marriage, but he is also passionate about small things that concern his wife and family. 

A compassionate man.

A man who can feel for others is very appealing to women, so be a compassionate man and show you care. It can be towards your wife and others as well. The more compassion you show, the more of a hero you will be to your wife.

Your marriage vows, in sickness and health, should not be taken lightly. A good husband would do anything to look after his wife in sickness and in health and do his best to look after his wife’s needs.

A Good Team Player

A good husband is also a team player. As a husband, you must realise you and your wife are a team. Being a good team player is vital in a marriage. It shouldn’t always be about you, you need to think about your wife as well. 

A good husband never undermines the decisions of his wife in front of the children or his relatives. If she errs, he talks to her in private. Showing people that the two of you are a team will prevent them from disrespecting your wife or taking advantage of her. 

Monday, 11 January 2021

Pawns In The Hand

 Love is so illogical and full of pains and heartache, so Naomi discovers when she finds herself at a crossroad. Where she has to make a choice between her true love Godfrey, who after three years of absence reappeared into her life to claim her back and Tony, the father of her unborn child and the man she is set to marry.

What is the right thing to do, to listen to her conscience or follow her heart?

Tuesday, 24 November 2020

Is love enough to sustain a relationship?

Is love really enough in a relationship? This is the question I have asked couples and intending couples. The answer I always receive is NO and a resounding one. I will ask further. Why is love not enough in a relationship? And the answer is; other things like trust, respect, honesty, commitment and reliability, are also needed to hold a relationship together.

The next question is, what is love? 

I believe one’s concept of love imparts a greater understanding of what love is.

Love has been distorted and its genuinity replaced with an idealized concept that has lured people into harbouring a false perspective of what love is.

Back in the olden days, people didn’t marry because of their feelings for one another. Feelings didn’t count, love was not a prerequisite for marriage. Marriages were purely economic and political arrangements designed to promote the survival and prosperity of families or communities.

In those days, romantic love was not acceptable, it was seen as an inconvenience to society. They were afraid of its power for the abnormal behaviours it encouraged among people. and weary of its ability to make people do ridiculous things. Also, they were of the conviction that romantic love was for pleasure or emotional fulfilment and served no social purpose. 

 What we regard as love and the weight we place on romance is a modern invention, promoted for commercial purposes by some group of businessmen They tout out so many fallacies about love, people now have unreasonable expectations of love.

The new ideal is that if you marry for love you will live on in bliss for “happily ever after”. .

The portrayal of love in the modern culture only highlights the periphery, the icing and not the nuance and complexities of living with a person daily.

Be it romantic love or real love both are complicated and not as exquisitely exciting in the long run as all the ‘filmwood’ industries and romance writers portray it. 

The genuine test of a relationship begins after the romance ends and you come face to face with the boring, dreary, unromantic and unsavoury part of your partner. Probably, you cry foul and blamed love for your woes. In actual sense was love the bedrock of your relationship?

That every emotion is labelled love made it impossible to differentiate love from every other emotion.. Most relationships are based on passion, romance, sex, social fringes and benefits.  Often, we mistake the excitement and drama of romance and the gaudy high of passion for love. When we’re caught up in the throes of romantic love, we overlook faults and dysfunctional attitudes of our partner, all we see is “happily ever after” and we can’t imagine anything going wrong. This is not love. This is a delusion. And like most delusional things it rarely lasts or ends well.

Love is love,  but people think the love you display in your intimate relationship is a different kind of love. It is the same love. However, what tints love in a relationship is the romance, the passion and the sex. It makes it more deeply felt, so it should be more deeply appreciated and reciprocated.

Trust, respect, affection, commitment, patience, understanding, all are inseparable components of love but we tend to itemised them in relationships. Relationships ought not to be built on the warm fuzzies of romantic emotion but on a love that requires self-discipline and a certain amount of sustained effort over the course of time.

Romantic love has brought exciting life experiences into relationships but it should not be the foundation of your relationship but its fruit. It should not define your life but rather be a by-product of your relationship. 

It is necessary for us to have a realistic, honest approach to that kind of  love, the type that is enduring, sustainable and accommodates the realities of spending a life together with someone else

The best definition of love is the one i found in the Bible

According to St. Paul in 1corinthians 13:4-8 

Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable. It does not rejoice at wrongdoing but rejoices with the truth.  Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.

This is genuine love, and what love is all about. Now with this description and explanation, can you confidently say that love is not enough in a relationship?

If you think so, write to us and let us know your opinion.

Friday, 14 September 2018

Sinful Desire- A novel

Chapter 1

Vetty Nwadialor pulled up with a screech behind her office staff bus at Yaba Market garage. Taking a deep breath to quell the excitement bubbling in her stomach, she opened the car door and got down. Her two back doors opened simultaneously. Three ladies and a young man alighted and stood beside the car to wait. 

She went to the bus, pulled the door open, stepped aside, and watched the occupants alight. Ten of them, seven women and three men; all dressed like her, in a white monogrammed T-shirt over black trousers. 

With a file folder in hand, Vetty waited for her group to assemble. When all their attention focused on her, she appraised them for a moment and then raised her voice a notch to carry over the noise and clatters at the garage as she addressed them.

“Okay, ladies and gentlemen, here we are, on the first day of our campaign. Go out there, enter the market, the shops, the stalls, and talk to them, convince them, confuse them, whichever, but get them to open an account with us. The target for today is fifty customers for each person.”  

At their gasps, she flashed her winsome smile, revealing gapped white teeth. “Good luck.” She watched them go. She had flagged off the campaign and expected nothing but success, as usual.

Turning to those beside her car, she opened the file folder and gave each a sheet of white paper with the names of six companies. They studied the names on their papers. 

“Any question?” 

“Must we go to all six companies today, ma?” The question came from one of the females.

She looked at the intelligent and eager faces of her small group of new employees. They would deliver. She knew she picked them specifically to penetrate the big companies and talk to the top people.

“If possible, yes. If not, tomorrow is another day. We have one week to comb this area.”

 They nodded.

 “Remember our agreed time and make sure you are back here. I don’t want to wait for anyone, and...” she looked at them with a firm glint in her eyes. 

“Concentrate on the job; talk to everyone from the top person to the least, even the cleaners should not be left out.”

"Yes, ma."

“Okay, good luck.”

Her broods were out for the chase, and she had no doubt. In the end, another feather would be added to her success cap. A giddy feeling washed over her, and her face glowed with joy.

Vetty opened her car, took her handbag, locked up the car, and instructed the bus driver to take care of both cars. She checked her file, noted the address of the first company on her list, not sure of the location. She enquired from a passer-by; satisfied with the direction she left the park with bouncing, confident steps.  

Vetty loved her work as head of the Marketing Department of Omega bank, Yaba branch, but she itched to get to the head office as the General Marketing Officer, and with this vision in mind, she worked assiduously in her present position.

Full of intelligent and innovative ideas, Vetty devised alternative methods and plans to increase the bank’s customer base every year. This year’s campaign, she tagged Neighbourhood Awareness, a one-week intensive marketing outreach to organisations, companies, and shops within their vicinity. 

When she unveiled her plan during a general management meeting, it received instant approval based on her past performances. Last year alone, the daily contribution, Esusu, she introduced for market people and small-scale business owners, yielded financial success to the bank and earned her an award.

At the company's gate, she greeted the security man and stated her mission. He opened the gate and directed her to the lobby. 

"Thank you, sir." She switched on her customer's smile. "You can open an account with us, sir."

"Haa, madam, I never get enough money to feed my family, not to talk of seeing leftovers to put for bank." The middle-aged man said with a self-conscious laugh. 

“Oga, it is good to save small-small money for tomorrow.”

"I know, madam, but where do you see the money to save?" He shrugged. "I get wife, I get children that go to school, and my salary no reach to do anything."

“But you don’t need plenty of money to open the account. With five hundred naira, you fit open account with us and add small money inside, and you fit withdraw all the money anytime you want too.”

“That one is good, I think say I need plenty of money to open the account.”

She laughed. “No sir, this one is a special account; we want everybody to save money with our bank.” She opened her file, brought out forms, and gave one to him.

He took it and looked at it. “Okay, ma, make I go through it, then think about it and tell you my mind.”

“I will help you fill the form if you want.”

 “Emmm, when you come out.”

She gave him a nod and an acquiescing smile as she left. She walked into the lobby. A young girl sat behind a desk, pressing a phone. "Excuse me."

“Yes, how can I help you?” She dropped the phone faced down on her desk.

“Please, I want to see the Managing Director of the company.”

“Do you have an appointment with him?”

“Not really. My name is Vetty Nwadialor, I’m from Omega Bank, and I’m here to discuss bank formalities with your MD.” 

"Our chairman is around and is having a meeting with the MD; maybe you should see the accountant."

“Well, that’s okay.” Vetty smiled at her. “Do you have an account with us?” “No, madam.”

“This is a good opportunity to do so; we are having a special customer account campaign.”

"Thank you, madam, but I already have an account with another bank."

“Of course, I know, but nothing stops you from opening another account. Besides, we’re in the same neighbourhood, so you don’t have to go far for your banking services.” She opened her file and gave her a form. “It will only cost you five hundred naira to open an account with us.”

She attended to each person according to their level of income. Of course! She wouldn’t ask the managers to open an account with five hundred naira; this type of account was meant for junior workers and students.

The receptionist took the form, gave it a cursory glance, and dropped it on her desk. “I will go through it later.” She pointed forward. “Go straight down this passage to the end. The last door on the right is the accountant’s office.” “Thanks so much.”

As she turned, the receptionist opened her drawer, dropped the form inside, closed it, picked her phone and resumed her chat on WhatsApp.

Vetty knocked on the door. 

“Yes, come in.” A cheerful voice said within.

She opened the door, strode in with a wide smile. “Good morning, sir.” She stretched forth her hand.

The accountant, mouth agape, stood up and took the proffered hand. “Good morning, madam.” He indicated for her to sit down.

She sat and favoured him with her customer smile. “I’m Vetty Nwadialor, from Omega Bank; it is our Neighbourhood Awareness Campaign week. We want to know our neighbours and tell them about our special bank services.”

“Welcome madam, I'm Mr Omotayo. But this T-shirt you're wearing is good o, I hope you will give me one as part of your awareness services.”

 Vetty laughed. “It's for staff and not for customers, except you want to join us in the bank work.”

Mr Omotayo weaved his hands, face scrunched in horror. “Haaa! No, bank marketing? Count me out, if it is to sit and count money, fine, but to walk the street for customers.” He shook his head sideways. “I don’t have the anointing; I’m not good at convincing people.”

“Tough job, right?

“Yes o, very tough.” He admitted. “And it requires patience too. I don’t have that virtue as well.” He laughed.

“Yes, patient, you're right, people are eccentric. We put up with a lot just to meet up with our targets; we swallow insults and smile through rejections.” She grimaced, and Mr Omotayo smiled in sympathy.

"The banks are wiser now, they send out pretty women to do the marketing. A look at the woman's beautiful face and shapely contour will compel a man to fill the form and bring out his chequebook." He laughed at his remark. 

“We are not out to entice men but to do our job and earn a living.” She knew many men reasoned like him. They felt female marketers were entrapment for them. When she got the job, her husband didn’t allow her to take it. According to him, bank marketing was nothing short of prostitution in disguise. It took a lot of convincing before he relented.

To her, everything boarded on ethics and character. Though, to succeed in the job, you have to spread some charms to get the customer’s attention and make them listen. But that doesn’t mean you must spread your legs too, except for a person with a loose moral attitude.

“Like you, for example.” Mr Omotayo continued. “If I can keep you here all day, just to look at your beautiful smile and admire your gapped teeth, I will do that.” He winked.

Vetty knew a lewd man when she came across one. Better to cut short the pleasantries and get back to business. "You are a very funny man. If we do that, we will fail in our duties to our employers." She opened her file. "This is our form; you can open an account for yourself, your organisation..."

The door opened. She craned her neck backwards and watched as two men entered the office. One stocky with a protruded stomach that stretched his shirt and a chubby smile on his round face, the other, slim, tall, dark, strong jaw, clean shaved and a broad shoulder encased in a dark suit. 

And eyes deep and penetrating bored into hers for a brief second. She felt an aura of power around him and narrowing her eyes; she studied him through her lashes. 

Mr Omotayo stood up. “Good morning sirs.”

"Good morning Mr Omotayo, it seems you have a visitor." The man in the dark suit said. 

“She is from the bank. Madam, meet my chairman.” He stretched his hand towards the man in the dark suit. 

“And my MD.” His eyes went to the stocky man beside him.

 Vetty stood up.

"No madam, sit down." The man in the dark suit said courteously. 

“Thank you, sir, but if I am sitting while the rest of you are standing I will feel dwarfed and unable to talk properly.”

“If you’re not done with him yet, we can come back later.” His eyes flickered over her, taking in nothing more than a general impression of her.

“Incidentally, you are part of the people I want to see.” She switched on her pre-packaged smile.

“What can we do for you?” Mr Bello butted in. 

"I'm Vetty Nwadialor, from Omega Bank; we are having a week-long campaign tagged Neighbourhood Awareness...,"

As she rattled on, a bored expression came over Tonye’s face, but he inclined his ear and waited for her to end the introduction. “Madam, thank you, but already we have banks we deal with.”

"Of course sir, I wouldn't expect an organisation this big not to have a bank, but then, it is not good to put all your eggs in one basket."

“You’re right, madam; we have banks that handle our accounts.”

“Sure sir, but there is still no harm in spreading your eggs to several other baskets.” She noted a faint smile in his eyes. Encouraged, she went on. “We have lots of services to offer to your company.”

The men were silent.

Her fixed smile broadened. “It doesn’t necessarily have to be the company’s account; it can be your personal accounts too.” Her eyes met Tonye’s and held for a second.

“Madam, I think you’re doing a good job, but I have banks I use and so is everyone here.”

"I already have an account in your bank." Mr Omotayo chipped in. 

“Good.” She favoured him with a sweet smile. “Then, you can open for your children too.” She looked at the two men to include them. “We have wonderful and friendly account packages for children and young adults. And for all our kids and youths account holders, we organise a quarterly get together tagged ‘Catch Them Young’; an interactive section that teaches them the gains of saving for the future.”

"Madam, good idea, but I don't believe in all these new generation banks and their ways of conducting business. I don't trust them too, so I use the old reliable banks I started the business with." Tonye told her. 

“The new generation banks are more flexible and innovative, with good customer relationships, aside from a strong capitalization base.” She looked straight into his eyes. “You have nothing to fear, sir.”

Tonye knew she wouldn't relent if he continued with the argument. For the first time, his eyes lost their indifference. He looked at her with interest, noticing details, the slender frame, the short wavy hair, the fair skin and the sharp eyes that stared back, daring him.  

His instinct aroused, he took a mental note of his observations. Though he didn't like overconfident women, he respects intelligence and appreciates commitment. 

A discreet cough from Mr Bello broke the silence.

Tonye glanced at his wristwatch. He had spent too much time in a sale talk that would lead nowhere with a tenacious woman that wouldn't let go.

“I can see you’re passionate about your job, maybe we should reschedule this meeting for the next time.” He brought out his wallet and gave her his call card. “My number is there. Call me anytime within the week. I will be in this office for two weeks, four hours a day.”

Mr Bello's mouth dropped open. Tonye never gave out his card to a woman this easily. Vetty took the card, opened her file and dropped it inside without a glance at it. 

“Well, madam, it's been nice speaking with you.” Tonye glanced at Mr Bello. He moved towards the door.

Vetty knew a polite dismissal. "Thanks, sirs, for giving me an audience." With a smile hovering over her face, she turned and walked out with measured, confident steps as the men watched her.

She left with the conviction she would get a result on her next visit; the man in the dark suit didn't give her his card for the fun of it. Somehow, he looked familiar. In her mind's eyes, she went over his face again, but couldn't place him.

Sunday, 18 February 2018

Decoration of Faith (The story of Hannah)


When a woman gets married, everyone expects her to get pregnant immediately. Whereby it doesn't happen the woman goes through ridicule and misery.  This is the story of Hannah and Elkanah in the Bible. 
Decoration of Faith talks about their love, their faith and their quest for a child. After all they went through, God decorated their faith by giving them, Samuel.




A bray of laughter filtered out from an inner room to the outer court where Elkanah sat, his ear tilted unconsciously towards the direction of the laughter. Out of the cacophony of laughing voices, one ringed out distinctly. The abandonment of the laughter and the bell-like tinkling quality caught his attention. It rang with joy and must have come from a free-spirited maiden.
Obviously, only a maiden with a good heart and uncluttered spirit could easily produce such pleasant sounding laughter.
Elkanah wondered if the maiden who produced such resonant laughter would be pleasant to the eyes as her voice was pleasant to the ears.  He strained his ears to pick out the voice from the chatting voices coming out of the room.
He would love to see the maiden with such a rich voice and sweet laughter, but as tradition goes, he wasn't sure it would be possible soon. He knew his friend Hezron had three younger sisters; he had met two on his previous visit. The third and the eldest went to visit her mother’s sister then.
Having met with the other two, it would be reasonable to conclude the voice belonged to the unknown sister, but then he couldn’t be too sure; there might be some friends with them. So engrossed was he in his musing he failed to hear Hezron speak to him. A poke in the rib jarred him into consciousness.
“Hi champ, where are you?” Hezron's eyes twinkled with amusement.
Elkanah blinked and smiled obligingly at his friend. “My mind is on food.” The lie came effortlessly out of his mouth.
Hezron’s smile broadened. “Like I knew, I was asking if we will stay for dinner and sneak back to camp in the night.” He arched his brow.
Elkanah smiled mischievously. Hezron took it as a yes.
“If we get caught, we dig trench tomorrow,” Hezron said, an equally mischievous grin on his face.
“No, they won’t catch us; Kaba and Boaz are on night watch, we will enter through either of their posts,” Elkanah informed him.
“That’s good news, so dinner is a settled issue, then.”
“Sure.” They exchanged a high five.
Hezron looked at his mother, who was watching them, her knitting suspended. “Ma, how about fixing a feast for us poor starved soldiers of the people?” he smiled ruefully at his mother.
Ma Miriam beamed. “Indeed, it’s going to be a feast, my soldiers eat as ferocious as a lion. At times I wonder if it is only berries and wild honey they feed you in camp.”
“Berries and wild honey,” Elkanah repeated thoughtfully. “In fact Ma, you’re right. That is the appropriate name to call what they give us in camp as food. No wonder, after eating, I look for the food in my stomach.”
Ma Miriam laughed. Of all Hezron’s friends he brought home from time to time, she liked Elkanah more, right from the first day he came home with her son. He was a cheerful and friendly lad with a good sense of humour.
She took her knitting and left. It meant they would have an early dinner, so the boys would get back to camp on time.
Just then Hezron’s father came in from the field. “Welcome, Pa.” The boys stood up to greet Pa Zorah.
“My boys, how is the camp?” He beamed at them.  “Fine, sir.” They answered together.
“Are you home on break or passing through on an errand?”
They exchanged brief glances.
“Actually, Pa, we came for a quick visit, maybe an hour or two, then we will be on our way back,” Hezron answered, avoiding his father’s stare.
“Did you come with the camp commandant’s permission?”
“Not quite, sir,” Elkanah answered.
Hezron butted in. “The thing is, there has been peace and inactivity in the camp for one week now and everybody is told to relax and have a bit of fun.”
Elkanah smiled. Trust Hezron to come up with a perfect answer.
“Hmm, I see.” He eyed the boys shrewdly. He knew his son as a restless lad; it wasn’t out of character he chose to come home over spending the day in camp in idleness. “Where are your sisters?” 
“In their room, they don’t know I’m around yet. We came in a few minutes ago. But I will see them before dinnertime.”
“You’re staying for dinner, then?”
“Yes, sir.”
“Your mother, where is she? Is she aware?”
“Yes, sir, she went towards the kitchen.”
“In that case, the servants are bringing in the grapes from the field, we started harvesting today. Two of you should go to the garner and see to it that the fruits are packed well. I want to go and wash up before I meet the ladies.”
“No problem, sir, we will go right away.” They turned and left.

Friday, 16 February 2018

Fighting Emotion (Young Adult Romance Series 1)

About the book

When a man loves a woman, he will do anything to win her love. Fred is ready to play the fool to get Ifeoma to accept his love for her is genuine.

Ifeoma is afraid to lose her heart to a man with a reputation, one who has left a trail of girls heartbroken. She has to fight her emotion and fight him off to avoid the inevitable.

You want to read the rest of the book? keep a date here or get a free copy @

Thursday, 15 February 2018

Fighting Emotion (2)

Chapter Two

Fred sat on his bed in the male hostel staring off into nothing, his brain muddled with thoughts that escalated
his heartbeat above normal. He had no reason to spend Friday night in his hostel room, he preferred weekends away at a room he shared with a friend in town. Worst still, he had no pressing need or reasonable reason to set up his easel and paint but that’s exactly what his heart was urging him to do.
   Deep in his heart, he knew it was because of her, and he didn't even know her name or department. Who was she and why had she remained fixated on his brain all through the week? Not willing to examine it critically, he got up and got busy, selecting paints and brushes and other art materials he would need for the day, he packed them inside his knapsack and made sure all other items he needed were intact.
    He put on his work clothes, and as the first break of light streaked across the sky, he eased out of the room loaded down with bag, board, and table. He went to the exact location they met a week earlier and set up his easel.
   His body taut with anticipation, he went about his chores, made a selection of brushes, mixed the colours and with less attention he would have put into his work if it was classwork or a client’s work, Fred splashed colours on his board as he tried to capture the trees in the field.
   After thirty minutes of constantly looking behind his shoulder, Fred, berating himself for his stupidity wondered why a mere encounter with an unknown girl should be a source of emotional chaos in his life.
    Suddenly his body tingled and his toes curled excitedly, a sensation he never noticed before. He turned and saw her from a distance in sports gear.
   Ifeoma saw the lone figure in the distance and told herself to avert her eyes and walk straight to her hostel, but on the brink of taking the right turn towards her hostel, she looked up to steal a furtive glance, and as their eyes met, a shiver went through her body like an electric jolt.
   She was bent on ignoring him and the reaction of her body when he raised his hand towards her in greeting. Her footsteps faltered, she looked at him and then at her hostel gate, and against her will, her legs decided for her by walking towards him. Feeling betrayed by one of her body parts, her face tightened into a mask of anger. 

   Joy like he never experienced before surged through Fred's body as he watched her advancing with bounced determined steps as one walking towards a battlefield. Spitfire, as the word, echoed in his head a huge smile broke over his face. 

   Ifeoma sucked in her breath at the transformation, all the sharp angles of his face relaxed with the smile, he stood poised, tall and handsome; a picture of a male model. Heart-breaker, her head cautioned, but already there was a mutiny between her head and her heart, each was determined to go their separate ways. And even her body's treacherous reaction was an indication it wouldn't listen to her brain when it comes to him. 

   “Hi, I’m Fred.” He stretched out his right hand. “That’s if you wouldn’t mind having a splotch of colour on your hand.”
   Ifeoma hesitated for a second and thrust out her hand into his. Once again she felt the jolt, stronger and withdrew her hand hastily. He was invading her space consciously or unconsciously, and she was determined to find out why. 
   “You took off quite unexpectedly last week.” The smile on his face appeared stupid against her grim visage.
   “Do you come here every Saturday to paint, because apart from last week, I haven’t seen you here before?”
   The huskiness of her voice stirred Fred the more, her voice had none of the girly and flirtatious undertones of the girls who usually flocked around him. Stifling a smile, he asked. “Do you go for your gymnastic classes every Saturday morning?”
   A wry amusement glinted in her eyes. “You actually believed that?”
   “Do I have reasons to doubt you?” he looked her up suavely.
   She snorted. “Gymnastic, my foot.”
   "But seriously, weird things happen. With your dainty configuration, I wouldn't put it past you, you have the body for it and also an undertone of compact energy.”
   A body, wired like a firework that would go up in flames of passion with just a touch. His lips curved into a smile at his licentious thought.
   “Thanks, maybe I will consider taking it up for real.” She glanced at his canvas. “Last week you were so intense with your painting, today you’re relaxed.”
   He looked at his board, wet his brush, twirled it inside a colour palette and splashed it on the board in geometric strokes."Last week I have an assignment to submit on Monday morning. This week, the only reason I'm here is just to see you."
   Because he wasn’t looking at her, he didn’t see the alarm that jumped into her eyes. “Why are you here to see me?” Eyes narrowed, she waited for his answer.
   “Last week, you took off before we could be properly introduced…” he paused and turned to her. “We have an unfinished introduction to conclude.” He grinned. “I’m Fred Ibe, a part three student of Fine and Applied Art.”
   At her silence, he raised his brow and waited. Reluctantly she caved in. "I'm Ifeoma Jonathan, a first-year student of Secretarial Administration."
   Fresh meat. He hoped no guy had lay claim to her. There's always a mad rush every year by guys to acquire girlfriends from amongst the new students referred to as ‘fresh meat'. He grinned as his look turned to appraisal.
   "Yes, fresh meat," Ifeoma said reading his thought and look accurately.
   His grin widened. “Has any guy been territorial?”
   The appreciative gleam in his eyes made her voice hardened. “I was sent here by my parents to learn how to bang a typewriter and decode shorthand, not to bang guys or decode their lies.”
   His voice rang out in a deep, throaty male laugh. Another word, Feisty, popped into his head. As his thought roamed wild, his eyes roamed over her body, ‘bang’, how apt the comparison.
   His mind wandered into forbidden territory, as he wondered what it would be like to have her beneath him on a bed, his hands roaming over her body, her tight lips melting under his kiss and their bodies joined in a banging sensation. Just imagining the action gave him a hard-on. He shook his head to dispel the lustful picture his mind had conjured. 
   “I guess any guy who makes an attempt at toasting you will have his head roasted, even before the words come out of his mouth.”
   “Precisely! I’m glad you got the message loud and clear before you start scheming lines in your head.” Ifeoma said without a grain of smile on her face.
   His smile never wavered as he stared at her steadily. That’s my girl, his heart sang, he didn’t know where the line came from, right now he looked and thought like a man besotted. No woman had ever made his heart flipped; he had never had a compelling urge to possess a woman like he felt right now.
   Women fell into his laps in doves, and he had always taken his pick, enjoy the short rumble and tumble; short because none have been able to sustain his interest for long. His longest relationship lasted six months, not that he wanted it that way, but he discovered too late that Anastasia had long claws that were hard to unclasp. It took him months to pull her talons out of his life; she was beautiful but emotionally insecure, he got tired of assuaging her ego and breaking loose wasn’t as easy as he thought. He was just recovering from that experience.
   As he watched her walk away, he knew she belongs to him and he would go after her with every arsenal in his possession. His primordial instinct heightened at the thought of the chase ahead, the hunted had turned the hunter. A trickle of excitement ran down his spine. Gosh! Was he ready to make a fool of himself because of a woman? The stupid grin that broke over his face was answer enough. Insanity just knocked at his door and he was ready to go out of his way to embrace it happily and willingly.


Overcoming Insecurity in a Relationship

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