Showing posts with label Life. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Life. Show all posts

Monday, 22 January 2024

Rhythms of Love and Life(Poems)

About the book

Love is the beat and the emotional lyric that gives life expression. The breath of love makes the rhythms of life poetic. Poems are catalogues of our life’s journeys and our love stories. Life and love are complicated, and poetry brings out this complication succulently. 

Life is a beautiful and complex experience encompassing a range of emotions, from love and joy to sorrow and grief. Whether we are saying goodbye to a loved one or welcoming a new life into the world, poetry can capture the essence of these moments and give them a sense of buoyancy and grace. 

Every celebration, sorrowful or joyful, has rhythms to them. With poetry, we celebrate life with all its thrills, turbulence, and hullabaloo. And love, with its sweetness, sting of sourness and heartbreak. 

By harnessing the power of language and imagery, we create eulogies with poems to express our deepest emotions. 

Monday, 25 January 2021

All is Well(Poem)


The world was silent when we died

Pains that births greater pain

Agonies that rips soul outta their bodies

The brouhaha that comes with life

Nobody to shield us from the hullabaloo

In our deaths, we will rise again

Tucked away in our graves

Is a speck and ray of hope

From which we would rekindle the fire

For if it's all a practice

Then all is well

And if all is well

The practice can be lived.

 By chinenye chukwujekwe(guest writer) 

Thursday, 23 January 2020

Soup for the Soul

Often, we lay more emphasis on our body, we try to please it and make it look attractive much to the neglect of our soul. What we fail to realise is that what we do with our body impinges so much on our souls; to the point of distress, All the bad decisions, all the mistakes and all the worries trouble not our body but our soul. When the soul is ill and distressed, it definitely affects the body. There is a synergy between the body and the soul that we can not afford to treat one well to the neglect of the other.

To live a balanced lifestyle, you need to feed your body as well as your soul. The beauty of life is in living it and living it in a simple way that it will not impound so heavily on your soul as to weigh it down.


Curb your inordinate desires. It is a heavy clog on your soul when you have an unhealthy and insatiable desire for material things; especially those that are not necessities. Desire gives rise to a lot of soul-wrenching emotions like greed, jealousy, covetousness and avarice.
Inordinate desires and lack of contentment deplete your finances. You went shopping for a dress or a shoe and end up leaving the shopping mall with several unplanned and unbudgeted stuff because you couldn’t control your covetousness. Everything stuff there call to you and you couldn’t resist the clarion call, you purchase them, only to get home and realised you don’t actually need them.

Because a friend brought it and you said why not you. Then you went extra miles, cut corners to get it. Sometimes, people plot and lie just to acquire things that feed only their vanity and make their soul remorseful down the line. Whatsoever that feeds your vanity and does not uplift your soul is not worth having.

You hear of people going on binge buying when they’re unhappy just to improve their emotion. Don’t torment yourself with the belief that the acquisition of material things means happiness and a fulfilled life, stuff will never make you happy, the feeling you get is instant and fleeting, it vaporizes and you’re back to the starting point again, wanting more, seeking more, it becomes a circle that turns into a habit.

Take a breath and slow things down. Always we’re on full throttle, chasing things, doing heroic things to please people. Being the hub of everything around you just to be counted among the Jones’s. What do you get out of it at the end of the day? Empty recognitions, attract a crowd of friends that will further drain your time, resources and energy, for sure you will want to keep up the act. What does your soul gain from all these avarice of goody-goody? The stress of course!.

Stress is a killer and it affects so many parts of your life. Forgo things that don’t serve any useful purpose in your life; focus on what is important to you. It will reduce your stress level and improve your health and make your body looks better, less worry lines and premature wrinkles. Be firm and decisive in making choices and accepting responsibilities

Dejunk your life. Too many possessions clutter up our life. I have a friend, to dress for any occasion is a search party to agony land. Her wardrobe was stuffed to the hilt, her shoe rack has overspilled. She had to burrow and scatter to get out a single dress to wear. All that energy and time wasted just to get dressed isn’t really necessary. If she had fewer clothes dressing up wouldn’t be such a stress. some clothes there have not come anywhere near her body for years.

Some people are so committed to a lot of activities and social engagement that they exist on autopilot and adrenaline rush to get through.. Stop and ask yourself, is it really necessary to exert yourself and deplete your strength and weaken your soul vital energy? Anything that doesn’t add to your overall well-being is a junk, be it friends, material possessions or what you eat.
Learn to live a decluttered life, have fewer possessions and lesser commitment.

Work on your relationships. Having the wrong types of friends is a soul killer. When you have so many friends, you have many discordant clatters around you. When you are in a wrong intimate relationship it eats away your soul, it washes away your person and drained your emotional strength.
It’s time to take stock of your friends. The people you call friends, that are around you, do they buoy your soul up, what values are they adding to your life? In your intimate relationship with your partner, is your love and affection reciprocated in equal measure? Is there mutual respect? Above all, are you free to be you? And not hiding your true self to please your partner?
If your answers are not positive, then it’s time to weed out the grass from your life. Grass takes up space, absorb the soil nutrient and produced nothing at the end of the day, and if left unchecked for long they choke up the crop. Exactly the same way wrong friends do, they will be the death of you if you allow them to clutter your life.
Do away with toxic friends, they are more harmful than helpful. Create more meaningful friends, true friends accept you the way your are, you don’t need to exhaust energy or time trying to impress them or trying to get them to like you.

Eat healthy food. Nothing deplete our souls like unhealthy food and poor eating attitude. Unhealthy food is any food that does not sit comfortably with your system, Any food that bloats you out or gives you indigestion. Our body system is built up to know what it needs and what is right for it. God has created all things well for the good of mankind. Eat natural food of any food class and your soul will be healthy and your body will benefit from it. Avoid organic and processed food, they are filled with so many unhealthy ingredients.
Eat in a simple way, eat what your body needs, the right food, the right quantity and at the right time.

Spend quality time with yourself. Some people sometimes mistook aloneness for loneliness. And in this fast-paced world, having free time to oneself is becoming very difficult. We’re cluttered and weighed down with a lot of things that are not really of great importance to our soul. We’re being kept busy with lots of props and pageantries especially on social media, we waste precious hours glued to phones and devices.
Simply because some people are afraid to spend time alone and hear their soul speak out to them, they plugged in the earphone, up the volume and shake their heads in seemly enjoyment. They prefer to clatter their head with noise rather than hear the ministration of their soul. Some surround themselves with people, stuff and possession that keep them on spin always and away from the important things and the important person in their life.
The most important person in your life is you. Spend time with yourself without the many distractions you allow into your life, when you do, you will find there is more space to get to know the real you, to assess, to reflect, rebuild and be grateful enough to say, thank you God for all the great things you have that He has given you.

Take time to live your life. Have relaxation moments, when you put your feet up, watch a good movie, read a good book, probably with your favourite drink in hand. A good life does not come from possession and commitment, most of the times it comes from having peace around you, peace of mind. Peace in your heart, peace in the soul and being surrounded by laughter and love. Without the balance of being true to yourself, you can never achieve what you need to be you, to live a simple life that will gladden your soul and uplift your spirit.

Overcoming Insecurity in a Relationship

Insecurity in a relationship can stem from various sources, including experiences, low self-esteem, lack of trust, or fear of abandonment. I...