Showing posts with label Goal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Goal. Show all posts

Saturday, 26 September 2020

The importance of Self-Management

Logically self-awareness comes before self-management. When you are aware of your thoughts and emotions, you will probably act consciously and make informed decisions.
Self-management builds upon self-awareness, you can only act on your emotion if you are aware of its existence. Being aware and in charge of your emotions during difficult situations, it will help you be calm under pressure and act positively and proactively rather than buckle under challenges.
Self-awareness is important, but I choose to write more on the concept of self-management because it is what you do with your emotional awareness that makes the difference in life. The awareness of your emotions aids you to consciously choose what you will or will not do.

To achieve your goals, be responsible and successful in life, you need to cultivate the art of self-management skills.

Self-management skills will help you manage your activities, enables you to hold yourself accountable for your work and words. Without self-management, many of us may lose sight of our goals or cannot prioritize our activities. self-management skills are a crucial and necessary set of skills to build a productive and efficient lifestyle in professional and personal relationships.

 What Are Self-Management Skills?
Self-management skills are those abilities that help you to control your feelings, emotions, and actions. They play a major role in your personal and work life because those abilities aid you to become more productive and proactive in decision making. With Self-management skills, you can improve on how your communication with others, plan your time more effectively, handle responsibility efficiently and make better choices that will improve both your personal and professional life.

Self-management skills

Accountability/Responsibility skill

Accountability is the act of being responsible for your thoughts and actions. When you say yes, you should mean it and work in a committed way to deliver what you have accepted to do.

Accountability and responsibility are similar but they don’t mean the same thing. If you say to yourself that you are accountable, it means you’re answerable to your actions and decisions.
Being responsible means doing what is expected of you and accepting whatever mistakes that come from your action. There is nothing wrong with making a mistake, it is meant to teach you a valuable lesson, accept it, learn from it and moved forward. When you take responsibility for a task, it means you’re in charge and have to determine the best way to proceed.
Taking responsibility for your actions is a bold step towards true self-management.

Goal setting skill

Goal setting is the ability to determine what you want to achieve in a clear and well-defined manner. Goal setting helps you to decide on what’s important and how to create action plans that will align your goals with your values. This skill is necessary because it enables you to manage your time, actions. physical space, energy and mental capabilities towards achieving success in the future.

Self-management will only go as far as your personal goals allow it. Set long-term and short-term goals and plan your day-to-day to revolve around activities that can help you achieve these goals.

Time management skill

Time is a finite resource that can never be recovered once used. It’s important you learn how to use it wisely. Because time is valuable you have to learn how to distinguish between Urgent and Important things in your life..

Effective time management skills allow you to prioritize tasks, avoid distractions and maintain focus. Managing your time is an essential part of managing yourself. Find effective methods that help you manage your time, streamline your daily activities and effort efficiently. Learn to say no to unreasonable request or activities.

Focus your time, energy and abilities on a single activity. Don’t clutter your life with so many tasks at the same time. Complete each task fully before moving on to another.

Proper planning and time management are the keys to getting the most out of your day.

Good time management helps you to set and prioritize your goals, it also enables you to balance your work and leisure time.

Organizational Skill

Organisational skill means planning your time and the things you have to do. Creating a schedule of what is most important and what is not. It’s also about being prepared and having ready the things you need when you need them to implement a plan or complete a task.

To become an organized person, you have to pay attention to details, be an active listener, set a goal and work consistently towards the achievement of your goal.

Organizational skills are valuable and important for success, especially in the business world.

Stress management skill

At times stress can overwhelm you and override your best intentions, it is hard to think clearly or make a rational decision. When you are overstressed, your ability to think clearly and accurately becomes compromised.

With stress management skill you can stay emotionally calm, to control impulsive feelings and behaviours, manage your emotions in healthy ways, take initiative, follow through on commitments, and focus on your goals and make choices that allow you progress forward in the workplace and in your relationships. you need to learn how to overcome stress in order to remain emotionally balanced.

Managing stress helps you self-manage your emotions and maintain a healthy lifestyle. To relieve stress, use humour and laughter, they are natural antidotes to stress. They lessen your burdens and help you keep things in perspective. Laughter brings your nervous system into balance and calms you down. Stress can make you lose control of your emotions and rob you of the ability to act thoughtfully and reasonably.

Stress management skills are among the most important in self-management skills. It is impossible to find a completely stress-free work and life environment, stress situations are everywhere. Learn to manage pressures and to cope with problems when they pop up in life and not allow them to overwhelm you,

Unmanaged stress can increase your blood pressure and affect your health and wellness. To improve your emotional intelligence you must learn how to manage stress.

Communication skill and conflict management skill

No man is an island. Your ability to exist, to grow and to live harmoniously with others depends on your capability to communicate effectively with them. This means being able to articulate what you have in mind concisely. People are not mind readers, nor can they guess what’s in your mind based on your behaviour. Tell them exactly what you need or expected of them. Good communication foster a stronger relationship. Effective communication will save you a lot of misunderstanding that can lead to conflict.

Disagreements are certain to arise in every human relationship from time to time. People don’t have the same values, needs, opinions, and expectations at all times. Conflict management skill helps you resolve such disagreements in healthy and constructive ways that will build trust and strengthen your relationship. When conflict is resolved amicably, it creates stronger bonds in relationships. Learn to see conflict as an opportunity to get closer to others.

When conflicts arise try to maintain a sense of calm so you can think clearly and objectively. Do not give people, places or situations the power to knock you off your emotional footing.


Self-management skills will help set your heart, thought and action in the right direction and other things in your life will follow suit.

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