Saturday, 30 May 2020

Action: The key to success

Visualise your success, that’s the dream. Believe in it, that’s the mindset. Work towards achieving it, that’s action. Dream, mindset and action equal success. Very simple, right?

We all have dreams of succeeding in life. Dreaming is easy, believing in that dream and working towards actualising it is a different ball game altogether.

If you can visualise it, believe in it; with determination, you can make it come true. This is what success is all about.

You want to be successful in life? Then have a success mindset and a set down goal (s) you want to achieve. Good, now you need to take action to set your goals in motion. You need to think of how to actualise your vision to make your success come true. 

The execution of your goal is the most critical part. It is crucial to the achieving or failing of your dream and your success. If you want to achieve success, then you need to learn how to execute your plans. To do this, you need a strategy.

Thursday, 21 May 2020

Success mindset.

The slogan, “If you want to be a millionaire, think like a millionaire,” was made popular in Nigeria in the days of ‘Bassy and Company’, a television drama. In essence, it’s all about mindset.

You want to be successful, cultivate a success mindset. Develop a mental picture of your success in your mind eyes.  Be passionate, be purposeful, be intentional, be disciplined and be dedicated to your quest.

Choose something you love to do, set your mind on it, stick to it no matter whether you’re good at it.  Take proactive measures. Look for ways to gain the knowledge and develop the skills you needed to overcome your ineptness.

To have a success mindset involves determination, firmness of purpose, a willingness to work hard towards your goal no matter the obstacles, difficulties or challenges along the way.  Do not see failure as a reflection of your abilities, rather view it as a spur and a valuable source of experience from which to learn, improve and move forward.

Put in your best effort and believe your effort amounts to something worthy. Your effort and your hard work can lead to significant growth in your quest for success.

Importance of Success

Most people are preoccupied with being successful in life because we all want to feel like we matter. We want respect and recognition from those around us.

Lack of success makes us look back on our life with disappointment for our lack of impact on the people around us.

Working  towards achieving success gives a greater purpose to our life and  keeps us fighting to grow and impact others and  improve our self-esteem, 

While most of us might not get to the level of international success, the fact we attained our goals in life is enough victory to live by.

The aim of achieving success helps us live a more purposeful life,  pushes us to overcome challenges,  makes us work harder and adds to our happiness and state of well- being.

Monday, 18 May 2020

Success-driven life

I was once counselling a young man who had become delinquent. And I asked him, “What do you want to be in future? He told me he wants to be successful.  “Good,” I responded. “But successful in what?” He gave me a blank stare and no response. I’m not surprised, being successful in life is everyone’s dream but few people have set down goals that will propel them toward being successful.

But then. Success is subjective because success is whatever you define it to be for you. Also, your reason for wanting to be successful in life will be personal to you. Your family, parents, and friends may have their own definition of success. But their definitions may not tally with yours. 

Success is not always equated with being rich or winning awards, it can be about personal fulfilment of goals.
Yes, genuine success is the achievement of your set down goal(s)

Whatever that will make you feel fulfilled and happy is what you need to focus on while working towards becoming successful. Determine which aspect of your life you want to achieve success. Is it in your career? In your business? Or spiritual life?  First, you make the decision that you want it, then you strive for what you want.

You want to achieve success in life?  Dream big always, think positively, don’t settle for half measures and then, read, study and learn from successful people. Back up your dream with constant action, never give up, believe in yourself and be proactive. Success will come when you’re committed. 

Overcoming Insecurity in a Relationship

Insecurity in a relationship can stem from various sources, including experiences, low self-esteem, lack of trust, or fear of abandonment. I...