Thursday, 25 June 2015

Bobbi Kristina - She is in God's hands

Bobbi Kristina Brown
Bobbi Kristina
Despite great medical care at numerous facilities, five months after being found unconscious and unresponsive in a bathtub, Bobbi Kristina's condition continues to deteriorate,

Recently she was moved into hospice care as her family refused to give up on her despite the grim news, as they continue to pray for a "miracle."

"She is still alive and her heart is beating so there's hope," a Brown family source told PEOPLE.

In a statement, the family thank everyone for their support and prayers saying "She is in God's hands now."

The 22-year-old Bobbi Kristina, was hospitalized in January after being found unconscious in a bathtub in her Atlanta townhouse. She was transferred to an Atlanta-area rehab facility in March before being moved to hospice on Wednesday.

There is nothing God cannot do, our hands are crossed as we continue to intercede for her divine healing.

Wednesday, 24 June 2015

Diana Ross, still looks hot.

diana ross
Diana Ross
Woah! even at 71, Diana Ross, mother of five children; still turns head around, the legendary singer and actress, turned up in her daughter's wedding(Chudney) in a dazzling ivory off-the-shoulder Vivienne Westwood Red Label gown, looking chic and sexy as always

diana ross
Mother and daughter in wedding mood.
The perfect day: The sun was shining down on the happy couple as they exchanged vows
At the wedding.

Wednesday, 3 June 2015

Bruce/Caitlyn Jenner transformation story.

Bruce Jenner.jpg

Former Bruce Jenner, now Caitlyn had a 10-hour facial feminization surgery in March of this year, to complete his transgender journey.
In an interview with Vanity Fair, Jenner said the operation took twice as long as expected. After an initial panic attack following the surgery, she spoke with a counselor and put the second-guessing behind her. Jenner told the magazine she firmly stands by her decision:

"If I was lying on my deathbed and I had kept this secret and never ever did anything about it, I would be lying there saying, 'You just blew your entire life. You never dealt with yourself,' and I don't want that to happen," she said.

Jenner had taken steps toward feminization in the past, including taking hormones that resulted in breast growth and procedures for facial hair removal, her facial surgery was the final step of her transition. Vanity Fair reported that she did not have genital surgery.

Facial feminization surgery can include a number of procedures, including the re-positioning and reshaping of the eyebrows and hairline, chin and jaw reductions, cheek augmentation, lift lips, and tracheal shaving, or reducing the size of the Adam's apple, Dr. Jeffrey Spiegel, a Boston-based plastic surgeon who specializes in facial feminization surgery, told CBS News.

Speaking publicly for the first time since completing her gender transition, Caitlyn Jenner compared her emotional two-day photo shoot with Annie Leibovitz for the July cover of Vanity Fair to winning the gold medal for the decathlon at the 1976 Olympics. She told contributing editor and author of Friday Night Lights Buzz Bissinger during an interview.

For the children, the issue of the transition was a non-issue because already he had told them individually about the transition he went ahead to change his gender. They told Bissinger they feel both happiness for their father and inspiration at Jenner’s bravery, and they all still see their dad as their dad regardless of any gender label.

His son,Brandon said he was a little taken aback when he saw Caitlyn for the first time after surgery and she pulled her top up to reveal her new breasts. “Whoa, I’m still your son,” he reminded her.

As part of the transition, Jenner started hosting small gatherings called “girls’ nights” with wine and food where Jenner could dress as desired and feel natural in the presence of women.

For those who viewed her action as part of a publicity stunt for a reality show. She told them, "I’m doing it to help my soul and help other people. If I can make a dollar, I certainly am not stupid. [I have] house payments and all that kind of stuff. I will never make an excuse for something like that. Yeah, this is a business. You don’t go out and change your gender for a television show. O.K., it ain’t happening. I don’t care who you are.”

My relationship with Caitlyn is much better than with Bruce - Daughter

Caitlyn Jenner's eldest daughter thinks the former Olympian is "just nicer" now.

Cassandra Jenner admits she was previously estranged from the 'Keeping Up with the Kardashians' star, who was known as Bruce Jenner before undergoing gender transition, and says her "relationship with Caitlyn is much better than with Bruce, but we still have a lot of work to do."

The 34-year-old blonde beauty told PEOPLE magazine: "[We] didn't talk for years, and now we see each other every couple of weeks and talk on the phone, which I am grateful for.

"She's happier and more appreciative of her family. She is trying harder and there is a softness to Caitlyn that is new to me. I think part of that is that when someone is happier, they are just nicer."

Cassandra felt "so honored" when Caitlyn recently invited her over for a girls' night in at her Malibu home in California because it was "such an intimate gathering after all these years."

She added: "I am pleased with how beautiful and comfortable she seems every time I see her. She seems to be having a lot of fun with it!

"There is so much more to being a woman than our external appearance. I am really looking forward to exploring that more with her."

Tuesday, 7 April 2015

10 Reasons this generation is finding it hard to be in love.

Ever wonder what our GENERATION will be known for in the decades to come? I ponder the question regularly. There are so many great things we could be remembered for, but if history has taught us anything, it’s the negative that tends to last the test of time, not the positive. My greatest worry is our generation will be looked at as the generation that gave up on love. We date for the sake of dating. The generation that forgot how to love — which is ridiculous. Most people have never had a good understanding of love, just a poor interpretation of it. Generation-Y seems to be the first generation moving away from conventional takes on romantic, loving relationships. The only question that remains is whether we’ll be remembered for being the first generation to accept a more logical and rational take on love or the generation that gave up on it altogether. I guess you’ll be the one to decide.

1. WE CARE MORE ABOUT INSTANT GRATIFICATION THAN WE DO ANYTHING ELSE. The most common trend amongst Generation is our need for instant gratification. We grew up and continue to thrive in a culture that allows us instant access to just about anything. If we want food, we have it delivered with the click of a few buttons or we walk a block or two and grab dinner. If we are bored, we have endless distractions in the form of phone apps. If we need directions or a question answered, it only takes us a couple of seconds. Such convenience is entirely a modern-day perk — previous generations never experienced anything even remotely close to it. The problem is instant gratification is addicting and often becomes a habit, a habit that tends to seep into our love lives. Love isn’t meant to be experienced in an instance but in a lifetime. 

2. WE’VE BUILT A CULTURE DRIVEN BY DRUGS AND BOOZE. This goes hand in hand with our culture’s need for instant gratification. Drugs and booze are the most common form of self-medication. When we feel sad or unhappy, we go out for drinks. When we’re stressed or unable to handle our lives, we may turn to more intense substances. of course, not everyone drinks alcohol and/or does drugs, but it is a trend among our generation. Drugs and alcohol often end up being love’s worst enemy. These substances give us the  illusion of an alternate reality — a reality in which our emotions are heightened, and the love we experience becomes exponentially intense. Unfortunately, all this does is confuse us, making us believe love is little more than the feelings we experience. Nothing could be further from the truth. 

3. WE SLEEP AROUND — A LOT. Some less than others, but most individuals have multiple partners every year. Don’t get me wrong, I like sex just as much as the next guy, but sleeping around ends up leaving us feeling empty. It starts out feeling exciting and gratifying but ends up making us feel even more alone. Worse yet, it makes finding someone to love infinitely more difficult. You’re wasting your time with people who mean nothing to you and, to top it all off, you are likely to turn sex into a sport. When that becomes the case, good luck trying to make love. Good luck enjoying sex when sex is no longer a special or unique experience, but just another trivial evening.

 4. WE’RE BECOMING EVEN MORE EGOCENTRIC. Every individual in the world is egocentric; we all think about our needs and ourselves first and foremost. Whether this is good or bad doesn’t really matter; the world is the way it is. It’s part of human nature. The problem arises when our egocentricity overtakes our ability to feel empathy. As human beings, we have no choice but to live and function within society, within communities of different sizes. Relationships are really nothing more than granular communities. When we focus on only ourselves, our needs, our wants and desires, the needs of the others in our community get overlooked. When this happens in a relationship, it all begins to fall apart.

5. WE DATE FOR THE SAKE OF DATING. It’s become a sport — a favourite pastime among Millennials. We date because we believe we’re supposed to date. We’re supposed to find someone to fall in love with and spend our lives with, and we are under the impression that the best way to go about it is to date as often as possible. This backwards logic brings about countless horrible relationships THAT never ought to have been in the first place. Every time you date someone who isn’t right for you, you’re giving up your chance to meet someone who is. Same goes for the rest of the world.

 6. WE AREN’T FANS OF MAKING COMPROMISES. We like to have things our way, always. Why wouldn’t we? If we can have it our way, why would we settle for anything less? This logic makes sense until we find ourselves in a relationship. When we’re a part of a relationship, we are only a piece of a greater whole. What we want and need is not nearly as important as what the relationship needs. And what the relationship often needs is for you to compromise. So you’re left with a dilemma, which is fine, as long as you accept that compromises need to be made. Once we no longer accept that as a necessity, we will lose the ability to create a loving relationship. 

7. WE BELIEVE IN FAIRY TALE ENDINGS. What was our favorite thing to watch growing up? Most people our age will say Disney. We grew up on Disney movies and learned all about love through the stories they told — or at least I did. The problem is such movies are incredibly inaccurate and often end up doing more harm than good. They create impossible expectations — expectations that always leave us disappointed in the end, not to mention confused. How could you not question your love for someone when your story doesn’t line up with what you believe defines a happily ever after? 

8. WE’VE BEEN FOOLED INTO BELIEVING PERFECTION IS ATTAINABLE. It’s not. Never has been, never will be, and yet, we are all looking for that perfect individual. We are all looking to become that perfect individual. Sadly, we’re all going to fail, and it’s going to suck. No matter how unrealistic our expectations are, the disappointment we feel when they aren’t achieved is very real. The grass always seems greener on the other side. But who the hell told you to look for greener grass? 

9. WE’RE GOAL DRIVEN, BUT OFTEN FORGET TO INCLUDE OUR PARTNERS IN THE MIX. I love the fact that our generation is really the first generation to put the focus on the individual, allowing for personal growth and development. I’m proud our generation is the first generation that believes working for ourselves is better than working for someone else. Having dreams and setting goals are both incredibly important; however, what’s more important is setting the right goals. We need to understand the difference between the things and individuals in our life who hold value and those that do not. Sadly, this is an area in which our generation is greatly lacking. Most of us put off finding someone to love until after we get the rest of our life together. Not sure why no one realizes finding a partner is the most important piece of the puzzle. 

10. MOST OF US ARE REALLY BAD AT LOVING. Love is confusing. It has layers and is mutable, changing over time and changing with each new partner we let into our lives. Love is so incredibly complex that most people simply haven’t been able to get a grasp of it. It’s nothing to be ashamed of, but it is reason to worry. The real question is: Are we getting better or worse at loving? That’s a question I’m not able to answer, but I fear it maybe the latter. Of course, each individual is different in his or her understanding, but most people seem to be incredibly lost. The issue is if we don’t come to understand love better — its purpose, its boundaries and its shortcomings — we will never be happy. That’s nothing short of fact. – Paul


Sunday, 5 April 2015

Rihanna, First Black Woman to Be Face of Dior

The Barbadian artist has been roped in by the luxury French fashion brand making her the first black woman to be a face of Dior.

Shot in Versailles, France, by Steven Klein, the film and print campaign is scheduled to run this spring. And just like all the previous models and stars for the Secret Garden series, Riri too will be seen dressed in gorgeous Dior gowns while running around the palace of Versailles. Before the official release of the campaign, internet has been buzzing with images of Rihanna dressed in a sparkly silver sequin dress at the Palace of Versailles’ Hall of Mirrors.

The Rude Boy singer effortlessly transforms in to the Dior Girl and joins the league of the current Dior stars like Jennifer Lawrence, Marion Cotillard and Natalie Portman. While models including Daria Strokus, Melissa Stasiuk and Xiao Wen Ju have been starred in Dior’s previous Secret Garden films.

7 Overnight Beauty Treatments to Try Tonight

They work while you sleep and you wake up looking and feeling beautiful. What more could a girl ask for? If you’ve never done overnight beauty treatments, now is definitely the time to give it a try.

These are what you need for your overnight beauty treatments:

1. Petroleum Jelly

Also known as Vaseline, petroleum jelly is a great option for many overnight beauty treatments. Slather it on your dry feet, then wear a pair of socks to bed. While you sleep, the petroleum jelly soaks in, softening your soles and heels. You can also put Vaseline on dry lips, cheeks and eyelids while you sleep. You’ll wake up softer and more hydrated, and there’s nothing better than that!

2. Mineral Powder

According to some beauty experts, dusting on a thin layer of mineral powder before you hit the hay is a good way to control irritation. It helps reduce inflammation and redness and can help soothe your skin. Yes, you should definitely remove your make-up before #bed, but most versions of mineral powder won’t clog your pores so you’re safe if you use it to keep your skin soothed and happy.

3. Vitamin a Creams

Slathering on a cream with vitamin A before you go to bed does wonders for wrinkles on your face. It works for fine lines and new wrinkles and it does its magic while you slumber away. For deeper wrinkles, you might need a stronger product. Try an over the counter vitamin A cream and see what happens.

4. Baking Soda

That simple box of baking soda hanging out in your cabinet are perfect for whitening teeth while you sleep. Simply brush your teeth as usual, then brush again with a paste made of water and baking soda. Go to sleep and wake up to whiter teeth in just a few weeks. You want to do this treatment at night because you won’t be tempted to eat or drink until morning, which ensures that the #baking soda has an optimal chance to do its job.

5. Humidifier

This beauty treatment won’t even require special products or any work at all. Simply turn a humidifier on while you snooze and it will fill the air with moisture, which fights dryness on your skin and in your hair. Hydrated skin and #hair is beautiful so you definitely want to be sure you keep yours full of moisture.

6. Castor Oil

It only takes a couple seconds to slather some castor oil on your eyelashes. But the payoff is wonderful. That’s because #castor oil can help you grow longer and fuller eyelashes. Don’t put on so much that you get it in your #eyes, but enough to do the job. You should be able to feel it when you touch your eyelashes.

7. Hair Mask

Maybe you tend to shower in the morning. If you consider trying a night shower, you can apply a hair mask that works while you sleep. It will create fuller, shinier strands that are free of damage and dryness. You can pick one up at any drug store and it’s really easy to rub it in while you wash up for the day.

Did you find an overnight beauty treatment you’re dying to try? I hope it works out really well for you. In the meantime, sweet dreams!

Saturday, 28 March 2015

Who Wins Today? Jonathan or Buhari ?

Who to Watch in the Nigeria Elections

THE long awaited moment is here at last. Today, millions of Nigerians will go the polls to elect a new president.

Although there are many candidates, the contest boils down to two of them: incumbent President Goodluck Jonathan of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) and former Head of State, Gen. Muhammadu Buhari (rtd) of the All Progressives Congress (APC). This is more so with some of the political parties and candidates queuing behind the duo who are slugging it out for the second time, the first being in 2011 when the incumbent beat his main challenger in the race. But unlike in the past, today's election would be a keen contest between the two and there might be no landslide victory.

Since the advent of this Republic in 1999, no presidential election has been so close to call. And of course, so polarised along religious and ethnic lines as this. For Jonathan, it is a last chance to demonstrate what he can do to prove his mettle if he wins. And for Buhari, it is a last chance and last attempt, considering his age. However, many believe it would have been easier for a winner to emerge had the election held last month as earlier scheduled.

Top Nigeria Presidential Contenders Sign Peace Deal
Add caption
Many expect the poll to be more peaceful than it would have been last month, especially with the signing of a second peace accord by the major candidates on Thursday to eschew bitterness and violence during and after the results and winner are announced. Across the country, palpable tension remains, with most non-indigenes on the alert despite assurances by government and security agencies of their safety. There have been last-minute movements/travels and shopping for foodstuffs and even petroleum products as restriction of movement is in place today.


Friday, 27 March 2015

10 agonising things short women go through every day.

Short woman tip toe
Photo: Courtesy

They say good things come in small packages, and we BET those girls who are below five feet in height would have to agree. People believe they can fit you in their pocket and don’t hesitate to say it out loud. You want to punch them in the face, don’t you? We get it; life is tough for a short girl. And after looking at all the things you go through, we feel your pain. 

1.Forever in heels: Be it a red carpet event or a beach vacation, half of your time is spent figuring out which pair of heels to wear.
Read more at:

2.The art of hemming: If those gorgeous pants are not available in the kids department, you might have to pick them up from the adult section. But then comes the pain of hemming them up. Oh, wait; you’re a pro at that, aren’t you? 

3.Top shelf problems: Reaching the top shelf is just a pain in the neck, literally. You have to go up counters and shelves until you finally make it to the top. 

4.ID everywhere: Every time you approach a club, pub or a cinema for an A-rated movie, you have to show your ID card. People refuse to believe that you are actually old enough to enter 

5.Tippy-toe syndrome: Half of your life has been spent on tippy toes. Whether it is kissing your man or trying to get something from the top shelf, tippy-toes all the way. 

6.Forehead kisses: You are tired of getting kissed on the forehead. Men are so lazy that they just won’t bend down enough to reach your lips. 

7.Weight woes: Every time you gain few kilos, everyone notices. You have to think twice (heck, maybe three times) about that extra cupcake or those fries. 

8.High chair problems: Your feet don’t reach the ground, irrespective of the chair you are sitting on. You have to carefully balance your weight and jump off, every time your behind is perched on a bar stool. 

9.Taking a selfie: If your friends are tall, convincing them to bend down when clicking that selfie is such a pain. You have to tell your bestie that she looks like a yeti for her to stoop down to your level. 

10.Extra help: Any place you go (and especially on aircrafts), there are people who are always ready to help you out, whether you ask for it or not. They are ever ready to help you with bags and other heavy stuff they think you can’t manage. Frankly, you shouldn’t complain.


I’m proud of being both man and woman- Gospel Singer

Darlan Rukih
Apostle Darlan Rukih Moses

For 35 years.he lived an empty life filled with shame and guilt as a result of his condition, coming to terms with the fact he was a hermaphrodite (person with both the male and female sex organs) was too much for Apostle Darlan Rukih Moses to contend with.

When he got married, it was difficult for the wife to come to term with his dual personality initially, however he said his wife has since accepted him the way he is,

The father of three adopted children (with the same condition) says he’s now ready to come out of the closet. Speaking to The Nairobian, Moses says he is proud of being a man and a woman and going public will help create awareness and is advocating against discrimination of people suffering from his condition.

"I underwent a medical examination and the doctors confirmed I have a normal uterus, ovaries and I can bear children,’ he said.

Moses, a gospel musician who even sings Taarab gospel, was born in Bondo where his mother was shocked after the doctors announced her baby was a hermaphrodite.

“My mother tells me that she had to conceal the truth for fear of wrath from the community. The Luo community treats such cases as a bad omen. I could have been killed had my community gotten wind of my condition. She also told me that she feared that we could have both been thrown out of our home,” said Moses, recalling that when he turned 14, his body begun to develop feminine features.

"I was shocked when I experience my first monthly periods. My breasts and hips begun to grow. However, my mother took me to a local dispensary where I was given some medication and some of the features like the growth of breasts and hips stopped.”

He has accepted who he is, and moved on with his life without feeling like an outcast.

Thursday, 26 March 2015

Jealous husband glued wife's vagina with superglue


A jealous husband who thought his wife was having an affair decided to punish her by using superglue to glue her vagina togather.

The green-eyed husband became obsessed with the idea that his 40-year-old wife was sleeping with her uncle after he dropped her off at home one day in South Africa.

Locking her in a bedroom the 45-year-old forced her to strip while pointing a machete at her and threatened to chop her head off if she did not do as he said.

The distraught woman said: "He had previously tried to cut my hand off so I was terrified.

"He  ordered me to lie down and open my legs and then took out super glue and applied it to my vagina.

"I had tears streaming down my face and was begging him to stop, but he didn't seem to care.

"I do not know what would make a man who loves a woman do that to her."

The woman later tried to remove the glue but is now scarred for life which means she won't be able to have sex again and suffers terribly from the pain.

She says she wants to see him arrested but is afraid her husband will come and get her.

She said: "I wanted to press charges but he fled and has not been seen since the incident.

"I am scared that he might come back anytime and remove my head."

Friday, 20 March 2015

100-year-old woman goes to jail

A 100-year-old woman was jailed in the central Kenyan town of Embu, for a three-month sentence for illegal appropriation of land.

This sparked off a campaign on social media platforms calling for her release, as hundreds of users from social networks showed their solidarity with the campaign by sharing the hashtag, #SaveJailed100yrGranny.

The old woman was jailed on March 10 for failing to implement a court order requiring her to give away two hectares (just under five acres) of land to an individual who filed a claim that she had illegally taken the plot.

After spending nine days in jail, a Nairobi county senator, Mike Sonko, paid a bail of 100,000 shillings (just over $1,000) to secure the release of the elderly woman, who was able to leave the prison on Thursday, said the Daily Nation newspaper.

The Sonko Rescue Team, a group of volunteers who work under the senator for community service in Nairobi, will perform a complete medical checkup on the woman to ensure that she is stable.

Imprisoning a woman of her age was described as "immoral" and "embarrassing" by many Kenyans on various Twitter accounts.

Saturday, 14 March 2015

'World's ugliest woman' takes a stand as anti-bullying activist

Activist Lizzie Velasquez poses for a portrait for A Brave Heart: The Lizzie Velasquez Story. Photo / Getty Images Portraits
Activist Lizzie Velasquez poses for a portrait for A Brave Heart: 
The Lizzie Velasquez Story. Photo / Getty Images Portraits
Lizzie Velasquez went through the torment of being mocked by bullies from around the world and survived to tell her story

At the age of 17, while surfing the web, she came across a video of herself on YouTube that labelled her as the 'world's ugliest woman'. it was a devastating experience for her.

But now 26, the inspirational woman has hit back at her tormentors with an anti-bullying documentary about her life, describing her battle with a rare condition which stops her from putting on weight.

'A Brave Heart: The Lizzie Velasquez Story' premiers at the South by Southwest Film Festival in Austin, Texas, today.

The 78-minute film charts Lizzie's inspiring path from cyber-bullying victim to anti-bullying activist.

Featuring details of Lizzie's emotional and physical journey through the years, it follows her progress as she attempts to lobby the US government for the first federal anti-bullying Bill.

She was born with Marfan syndrome and lipodystrophy, which is a problem with the way fat is distributed in the body.

At only 5ft 2ins tall, Lizzie only weighs 58lbs - just over four stone.

"All we had known all my life was that I had a syndrome which meant that I couldn't GAIN WEIGHT.
Lizzie Velasquez, aged 3. Lizzie, now 26, has a rare and undiagnosed syndrome that prevents her from putting on weight. Photo / Barcroft Media
Lizzie Velasquez, aged 3. Lizzie, now 26, has a rare and
 undiagnosed syndrome that prevents her from putting on weight. Photo / Barcroft Media

"At the time, I thought everyone looked like me. I didn't recognise or tell that they didn't look like me."

First bullied as a child in school for looking different, she was horrified to stumble across a YouTube video labeling her 'The World's Ugliest Woman' as a teenager.

She fought back by giving a TED Talk in 2013 which she says "changed everything".

"This is my purpose. This is what I'm meant to do for the rest of my life.

"I like to think that I'm not only telling my story, I'm telling everyone's story."

Now, Lizzie's own YouTube channel, which boasts more than 300,000 subscribers.

Speaking in a video posted to her channel ahead of her documentary's showing today, she said: 'I'm so excited, I can't even tell you.

"I finally was able to sleep and I'm feeling rested and ready to go."

First Penis Transplant sucessful and Functional

Surgical team
The world's first successful penis transplant has been reported by a surgical team in South Africa.
The patient was an unidentified 21 year old, who lost his penis in a botched circumcision. . The penis was amputated about three years before the transplant. As a rite of passage, many males in South Africa undergo circumcisions when they are about 18.

Penis amputation presents many urinary health risks and eliminates normal reproductive capabilities. About 250 amputations occur each year, with many victims committing suicide after the amputation due to social pressures.

The patient was the recipient of a nine-hour operation done to attach the penis of a donor. This procedure was attempted once before in China, and was unsuccessful. The surgical team was led by Andre Van der Merwe MD. Dr. Van der Werwe was pleased with the outcome.

Doctors in Cape Town said the operation was a success and the patient was happy and healthy.

Elderly nun gang raped in a convent by bandits

Indian Christians hold placards protesting against recent attacks on churches in the Indian capital as they assemble outside the Sacred Heart Church in New Delhi, India, Thursday, Feb. 5, 2015
Christians in the capital, Delhi, have held protests,
accusing the government of failing to protect them

A group of bandits gang raped an elderly nun on Saturday when she attempted to stop them from robbing a Christian missionary school in eastern India, police said.

The nun, who is in her 70s, was hospitalized in serious condition after being attacked by seven or eight men at the Convent of Jesus and Mary School in Nadia district, 50 miles northeast of the West Bengal state capital of Kolkata, a police officer said.

Police Inspector General Anuj Sharma told Agence France-Presse that "two people have so far been arrested." The others remain at large.

The robbers tied the school's security guards with ropes early Saturday and entered the nuns' room, where the women were sleeping. They took one of the nuns to another room when she tried to block their way and then raped her, the officer said.
The Archbishop of Calcutta, Thomas d'Souza, told the BBC that security cameras inside the Convent of Jesus and Mary School show the faces of the six men who carried out the assault.

They first ransacked the school principal's office and classrooms before entering the convent itself.

"There are only three Sisters in the community," he said.

"One sister was molested badly. The other two, and a guard, were tied to chairs."

The men also stole money from the school, he said, vandalised the chapel, broke open the tabernacle and took away the ciborium, the sacred vessel used during Mass.

The school is well-known and has been open for 19 years, he added.

The Chief Minister of West Bengal, Mamata Banerjee, has condemned the incident.

The attack comes at a time of growing concern about sexual violence against women and there has been increased media reporting of rapes and assaults.

Christian groups have recently held protests in the Indian capital, Delhi, saying they are being targeted and demanding better protection.

Monday, 16 February 2015

Coconut Oil, Best Hair Treatment

Coconut oil is, one of the most effective hair treatments for a very wide variety of hair issues. Many claim that coconut oil actually works better than any man-made treatments on the market, and because it's 100% natural it's free of silicone, alcohols, and other chemicals that can aggravate sensitive skin and hair. It works incredibly well for repairing damaged hair that has been over-processed, heat damaged, or is just naturally dry.

Coconut oil is also anti-fungal in nature, making it a perfect natural anti-dandruff treatment, or as a preventative treatment for dandruff. It's a great regular hair treatment for maintaining very healthy hair and scalp when used as a part of your regular hair care routine (1-4 times per month).

Coconut Oil - Phú Thịnh Co/Flickr

Why Coconut Oil Works Better

 Coconut oil works well to recondition dry and damaged hair because the molecular structure of coconut oil, unlike other oils or moisturizers that just sit on the hair, is ideal for penetrating the hair shaft, getting past the cuticle, repairing and preventing damage from the inside out. Lauric acid, capric acid, and vitamin E (all present in coconut oil) help restructure hair, increase hair's strength by preventing protein loss, and vastly improve shine.

 People that regularly use a coconut oil treatment report increased body, shine, and manageability with less breakage, static, tangles, and split ends. Many also claim that hair sheds less and feels thicker after regular use.

How to Use Coconut Oil as a Deep Conditioning Treatment

For a deep conditioning treatment, massage a couple of tablespoons of the coconut oil into your clean, damp hair and scalp (if your hair is thinner or gets greasy easily, you may choose to skip the scalp as the oil could weigh your hair down). You may need more for long hair. Use more oil where your hair is the driest and most damaged (typically on the ends) and less where your hair is healthiest (mid-shaft and scalp area). 

I find that it's best to section your hair off and apply the coconut oil in manageable sections to be sure that every hair is coated properly. If your coconut oil is in a solid state, you will need to warm the oil gently to create a liquid. Allow the oil to sit on your hair for 20-30 minutes after application. People with very dry or porous hair may choose to leave it on longer and some people like to use it as an overnight treatment. To increase the effectiveness of the treatment, cover with a shower cap and wrap your hair in a hot towel (fresh from the dryer) or apply heat with a hair dryer for a few minutes. Because the oil is very heavy, you will need to shampoo the oil out of your hair well after the treatment.

Coconut oil can be a god-send to those with severely damaged, over processed, and heat styled hair. It will be important to experiment with the amount of coconut oil to use, and how long to allow the oil to penetrate your hair in a way that will work for your specific hair type. If the coconut oil leaves your hair feeling weighed down or greasy, try using less or shampooing more effectively post treatment.

How to Use Coconut Oil as a Daily Hair Moisturizer/Detangler

You can use a very small amount of coconut oil on the ends of your hair after showering as a detangler and as a daily moisturizer for very dry hair. It works wonders on dry skin issues as well.

How to Use Coconut Oil as a Dandruff Treatment

To treat dandruff, massage a small amount of coconut oil into your scalp and allow it to sit for at least 10 minutes and up to overnight (you'll want to wear a shower cap to bed or wrap your head/pillow in a towel). Shampoo out.

Benefits of Non-Starchy Vegetables

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Non-Starchy Vegetables

Studies have shown that eating a diet rich in vegetables as part of an overall healthy diet can help reduce cardiovascular disease risk, cancer, Type 2 diabetes and obesity.

A vegetable rich diet can also help to lower blood pressure. Vegetables are nutrient dense - loaded with vitamins, minerals, disease fighting antioxidants and fiber. Fiber is an important nutrient when it comes to managing weight and diabetes. Fiber helps to keep you full, pulls cholesterol away from your heart and can help to regulate blood sugars by slowing down digestion.

One of the best ways to increase your fiber content is to increase your vegetable intake, preferably non-starchy vegetables. Non-starchy vegetables contain about 25 calories, 0 g fat, 5-6 g carbohydrate, 3 g fiber, and 0.5-2 g protein per 1/2 cup cooked or 1 cup raw. In addition to being a low calorie, and low carbohydrate food, non-starchy vegetables add texture, flavor, bulk, and rich color to any meal.

What to consider when purchasing:

If possible purchase produce that is in season. You'll not only save money, but reduce your carbon foot print by purchasing local produce. The less time spent traveling, the better the taste too.
Think about purchasing organic versions of certain vegetables that contain more pesticides. Pesticide exposure may increase your risk of cancer, skin problems, asthma, infertility, etc. If you've never heard of "the dirty dozen list," you may want to read up on it. These are food items that contain higher levels of pesticide residue. Some vegetables on the list include: celery, spinach, sweet bell peppers, cucumber, etc. For more info:

Here is a list of non starchy vegetables:

  • Artichoke
  • Asparagus
  • Bean sprouts
  • Broccoli
  • Cabbage 
  • Carrots 
  • Cauliflower
  • Celery
  • Cucumber
  • Eggplant
  • Leeks
  • Lettuce: 
  • Mushrooms
  • Mustard greens
  • Okra
  • Onions
  • Pea pods
  • Peppers (all types) 
  • Salad greens 
  • Snow peas or pea pods
  • Sprouts
  • String beans
  • Tomato
  • Turnips
  • Water chestnuts

Sunday, 15 February 2015

Imo State University rusticates 700 students

The Vice Chancellor of Imo State University, Professor Ukachukwu Awuzie disclosed that over 700 students has been rusticated in the last 12 months for alleged examination misconduct .

Professor Ukachukwu Awuzie made this disclosure at the weekend in Owerri while addressing some selected journalist in the state on his one year in office, he said his administration has zero tolerance for examination malpractices.

Professor Awuzie however stated that some staff of the university who were found guilty by disciplinary panels have either being sacked or demoted .

According to him, the university has graduated about 150 medical doctors from the college of medicine of the university.

The former president of academic staff union of universities (ASUU )disclosed that ,the year under view, the university in collaboration with the TET fund research found have sponsored over 25 staff of the university to pursue their master degree and Ph.D programs

He regretted that most of the courses offered by the university have failed to meet the criteria for full accreditation by relevant bodies.

He further disclosed that the university authorities spent part of last year carrying out an audit on the affected courses as well as documenting the requirements in order to ensure that accreditation could be accorded to them.

“The administration has vigorously pursued the timely completion of the faculty of law building to ensure re-present of the faculty for accreditation this year. This could enable us admit the best and brightest law students into our revered citadel of learning for 2014/2015 session.

Suspected killer of a Lagos housewife narrates shocking revelations about her

Residents of Oke-Afa area in Lagos State were jolted in December 2014, after the body of a 35-year-old housewife, Martha Ifeoma Ifewulu was discovered at her house in a pool of her blood. The mother of four and wife of Chief Lawrence Ugochukwu Ifewulu, 52, was murdered by an unknown person few hours before her children arrived from school. Reports said the children came home only to find their mother in a pool of her own blood, which flowed freely down the staircase.

On closer examination, it was discovered that the silky-soft skin of her throat was hideously slashed with a knife like that of a goat.
Late Mrs. Martha Ifeoma Ifewulu

The husband later was reported to have alleged that one Collins should be held responsible for the death of his wife. The grieving husband also alleged that the wife might have been killed to prevent her from divulging their plans to kill him, dispose off his assets and elope to Canada with his children.

Surprisingly, the suspected killer got in touch with Vanguard Newspaper crime reporter to schedule a meeting albeit secretly where he recounted his own side of the story. Below is the excerpts


“I am Collins Nwafor ,39, from Umuawulu in Awka South L.G.A, Anambra State. I read Marketing at the IMT, Enugu. I left school in 1999 and served in Edo State in 2010. After that, I proceeded to Port-Harcourt where I started life as a clearing agent with Chapman Resources.

From there, I went to South Africa where I stayed for about four years dealing on telephone accessories. I came back to Nigeria in 2011 and later proceeded to Europe, Germany and Norway where I spent about two years. I came back in September 2012.


On June 13, 2013, I met Mrs. Ifeoma Ifewulu at her shop in Ago Palaace Way, Lagos. I was passing through the Mall on that street, I saw people promoting their goods in the shop and both of us watched them after which we exchanged numbers.

From there, we started exchanging calls and we became intimate friends. The first time we made love was in her car, a green Honda Baby Boy, after she dropped me in front of my house. We were there till 12 midnight and I asked if she was married but she did not reply. Later, she spent a weekend with me and when I insisted on knowing her marital status, she told me that her husband is a big man but she wanted to feel good.

She said she needed company and that she had two boys and two girls. From then, our love blossomed. After sometime, she told me that her husband’s birthday was in August, I advised her how to commemorate it with him, buy food and take the kids to his office as a surprise which she did and she later told me that her husband appreciated it. We continued our relationship till December when she even spent the Christmas with me after the husband bought a Toyota Corolla for her.


We stayed behind from December 29th 2013 after the husband travelled till January 5th, 2014. We were in my house at Isolo, few meters away from her matrimonial home at the same Oke-Afa. We kept on meeting and enjoying ourselves till the middle of the year when I discovered that she was also a lesbian. I was able to know this through the attitude of her friends who visit her in her shop.

Even when they go to parties, they kiss and romance themselves openly. I also discovered that she has many other boyfriends. My investigation showed that I was the fourth in the series of boyfriends she had. Nevertheless, we continued our relationship till April when her mother died.

So you discovered that they used to keep girls in the shop? “They are lesbians and the way she went with men, she was sleeping with men. I was the fourth boy friend she had going by what she told me. So from January 14th, February, March, we started dating and by April or so, the mother died and we planned to buy some clothes to give to twenty different men for them to attend the mother’s burial which we did.


So, when she got to the office of this wealthy Clearing and Forwarding Agent (name withheld), she whispered to me that the man has been toasting her for the past 13 years and had also tried to rape her in her house in two to three occasions but failed. When we met the agent, he told her that if she wanted him to come for the burial, she should come to the hotel and make love to him. After all said and done, the burial was fixed for June.


At this juncture, I would like to tell you my relationship with the wealthy agent. When I came back from Europe in September 2012, I met him in July 2013, he told me that since I was in the country, he would be giving me containers for me to be clearing, that we should be doing something together. If he wanted to travel, he would call me and I would go with him and act like his personal assistant.

So by December, he gave me fifty thousand naira to travel with him. I protested that the money was too meagre going by the fact that he just bought a car worth thirty something million naira. In anger, he travelled without me. I ended up spending the Xmas with Mrs. Ifewulu who stayed behind after her husband travelled on December 29th, 2014. We stayed together from that 29th to 5th of January when the husband came back and brought her sick mother back to Lagos. Later, her mother died in March. While she was sick, I used to visit her in Awka with Mrs. Ifewulu.

We always stayed in a hotel at Asaba, Delta state. They buried the woman on June 7th. We went for her burial. When we got there, the wealthy clearing agent noticed the intimacy between me and Mrs. Ifewulu and he was visibly angry with me. Later, he even accosted me and asked me why I should be “eating the food that belonged to the masters”.


That signalled the cold war between us and after sometime, I also started feeling guilty over my relationship with Mrs. Ifewulu because things were not moving fine with me. I summoned courage and called her on phone to break the news, that I was no longer interested in the relationship. On hearing this, she turned off the phone and told me she was coming.

She later came and started pleading that I should remember that we have gone very far in the affair, that I am the only man she has fallen deeply in love with, that her relationships before we met did not exceed 2-3 months, that I was the fourth boy friend she was having. I told her no, that I didn’t have something doing, that I was a young man not married. I told her I wanted to be focussed; I wanted to know what I was doing. I never knew she was a bisexual and they have strong cult group at Jakande Estate and I have been there with her for one or two parties.


After this, her friends were rebuking me for stopping the affair. The pressure was so much and I had to go to a Reverend Father at SS Peter and Paul Catholic church, Oke- Afo. I confessed to him by telling him all about my relationship with the woman. The Reverend father was shocked and immediately demanded for her number which I released to him.

He invited the coupld, the husband was wearing a basket ball short and singlet outside the church and was drinking bottled water, the wife was putting on a black skirt and a red top. The Rev. Father started asking her about me, the lady denied. The father then came out to call me into his office. I followed him and when Mrs. Ifewulu saw me, she stood up to leave, and then the reverend held her at the door and told her to sit and said, you told me you didn’t know this man.

She sat down, and then I knelt down and started crying and pleading that I didn’t know what happened, that I was not interested any more and that we should all be left alone, we would just be friends.


She then told the Reverend Father that she has heard and she opened the door and left. The Father told me not to worry and gave me his number assuring that he would look into this matter. When she continued pestering me to continue with the relationship, I went to some of her friends to plead for their intervention. I also went to other churches where she attended.

I met two of her friends and invited them to an eatery at Isolo. When they came, I told them everything and they assured that they would intervene. I also talked to one of her bosom friends called Isioma, she took me to see their General Overseer where I also confessed. After that, the Overseer advised me to relocate from Lagos. I insisted that I would not run away from Lagos because of a married woman.


It was at this stage that I decided to call the husband and intimate him with our affair. While the relationship was going on, she willingly gave me her husband’s number and those of her children. Her children and her house help all knew me. They called me Uncle Collins. But the husband and his sister who work in Lagos Island did not know me before then. I confessed to her husband but now I had known Christ; that I was no longer interested and that his wife was into women and drug trafficking.

Later, the husband called me on phone and asked me to give him instances so that when he would confront her she would not deny it. I then told the husband so many things. The man said ok. The man called after some days and said his wife denied it. Then I told him to call one Aaron, that he should call their elder sister that was at Alaba and also call the girl’s brother, Ifeanyi and one other person. I also maintained I would come but he must guarantee me of my protection. He agreed. By Sunday, he called to say that his wife had agreed.

After some days, the man called to say that his wife told him that bot of us wanted to kill him. I then told him that if I had such plan, I would have executed it long ago because I had unrestrained access to him and his house. And that I would not have confessed to him and even informed him including men of God to help intervene. In fact, I told him a lot of intimate things about his family which an outsider should not ordinarily know including how the wife slept with the man that is making his business boom. I also told him that the wife carried out abortion twice.

At this stage, he told me to forgive him and that I should keep the whole story secret. After some days, he called me and said that his wife gave me a phone, then I told him yes your wife did but I misplaced the phone. He kept telling me to forgive and forget everything that I shouldn’t tell anyone. He also intimated me that he had strong suspicion that the wealthy Clearing and Forwarding agent was into a relationship with his wife but that she was denying it.

After that encounter, I decided to go for deliverance. I was directed to Okpoko in Onitsha at Ezenwanyi’s place. They charged me N18,000.00 after which I was taken to a river for the cleansing. Afterwards, I came back to Lagos and went to the General Overseer who also invited her and advised her to leave me alone, that we should just be friends. But she refused.


Then, on December 1st, 2014, I went to Apapa with my friend to get something and on coming back, I got a call at around past 9pm from her born- again friend. she asked me if I heard anything from my side or Ify’s side, I told her no, she hung up. At about 11:30, she called and told me to pack out from my place, that Ify has been killed. I was shocked. She called me at 12 midnight again and asked me to leave my house, I left with one shirt to stay at my friend’s place.

The next morning I came back to my house, although my friend warned me not to go to my place, I was at my place with the people that came to look for me when four police men and the woman’s house help came asking my neighbour about me. My neighbour told them that he had not seen me for the past two days.


While I was meeting with my people in Lagos over the issue, I was reliably informed that the wealthy agent had gone to the police to allege that I was the killer and that I sold human parts. Later, detectives numbering over 20 invaded my house and harassed every body on sight. They later met the caretaker who called me on phone and I narrated my side of the story.

It was later I got to know that both the caretaker and the policemen listened to my story and after that, one of the policemen confided in the caretaker that I should not show my face because they have been asked to kill me immediately they arrest me. I learnt also that the policemen went to all the places I mentioned including meeting with the Reverend Father and they all confirmed that I opened up to them about the affair.

One of the detectives even called to inform me that I should not show up else they would kill me. That was why I decided to go into hiding.


Since then, two people have been going round, telling people that I killed the woman.

The wealthy agent and another person (name withheld) have gone to my people in Lagos and I was invited to the village. After I narrated my story to all the influential men in my village, they took me to a shrine where I was made to swear to an oath. That proved my innocence.

After this, I called the investigators at Panti and told them that my relationship with the woman ended since September last year, that I was innocent of the allegations against me, that they should either hold(name withheld) or the wealthy agent responsible for her death.


I believe one or both of them know what happened to the woman. This may be because of my confession and in anger, he may have killed her. Secondly, I disagreed with the wealthy agent because of the ritual blood I saw in his country home. This man has been associated with many strange and mysterious deaths. He may have done it because he was aware I was no longer with her and he believed if he killed her, people would put the blame on me.

So, while in the hideout, I read crime page in Vanguard and saw your number. This is my story and I decided to open up because I know that if police eventually arrest me, they may not allow justice to prevail. I suspect that they have been paid to kill me in order to cover up the crime. The only option left for me now is either to keep on hiding or for somebody to arrange for me to go into protective custody where I will be assured that nothing will happen to me and I will quickly show up and tell the whole truth.”


This drug business, to what extent were you involved and did you make effort to help her out of it? “She usually told me, but I kept telling her that I was not interested in that kind of business. So, she stopped talking to me about that but I knew she did it and also did pimping too.

Sometimes I accompanied her and the girls she organised to see men for sexual purposes and she would get paid. She passed the girls to wealthy men. They met at various places and after wards she would be paid.


How do you feel now that your former lover has died in so gruesome a manner? “Hmmmm, I feel hurt. No matter what I say, she was a very good and generous woman. In fact, it was after her death that I realised that a dead person has no power. Once you are dead, it is all over. If not, I wonder why such a good woman cannot rise up and not only expose her killers but take revenge. I leave everything to God, the truth will be revealed.

'Fifty Shades' author says she 'fought hard' for her fans

'Fifty Shades' author EL James says she 'fought hard' for her fans
Author EL James attends a special fan screening of "Fifty Shades of Grey" in New York

"Fifty Shades of Grey" devotees, know this: Whether you end up loving or hating the new movie, author EL James had your back.

"I was thinking about the readers," James says about the sometimes fraught process of adapting her steamy book to the screen - a process that reportedly involved creative differences, to put it gently, with director Sam Taylor-Johnson. Out this Friday for Valentine's weekend, the R-rated film stars Dakota Johnson and Jamie Dornan.

"I understand what it's like to be in fandom," she says. "I had to fight for a lot of things really hard. And I did." (As a producer on the film as well as the trilogy's author, James had an unusual amount of creative clout.)

James, 51, who wrote the erotic trilogy for her own enjoyment and ended up launching a global phenomenon, sat down over the weekend with The Associated Press to chat about the new film and the fans whose devotion has brought her such stunning commercial success. (Editor's note: Director Taylor-Johnson was not made available for this article.)

Excerpt of the interview.

AP: What was the hardest thing about adapting your book?

JAMES: My biggest concern was making sure that the sex was really classy and tasteful. It's very coyly written in the books. Women don't like salacious slang. So that was really important to me, to keep it tasteful.

AP: Making the film, were you thinking about your readers, or about a new audience that perhaps hasn't read the book?

JAMES: I was thinking about the readers. There are enough of them! (Laughter.) I mean hopefully we'll bring other people to it as well, of course; there are people who don't read at all. But my readers are the people I've always had in my mind. I understand the disappointment when key scenes are forgotten, or missing, so I was an advocate for them.

AP: Did you have to fight hard for anything?

JAMES: Oh, I had to fight for a lot of things really hard. And I did. (laughs).

AP: Like what?

JAMES: Well, the Red Room (of Pain), for example, wasn't red at first. But it's things like this, within any creative process, when you're the auteur of a whole universe, and then, you're spreading it out ... it's not always going to be aligned with how you saw it. But beneath it all, I was just hoping that we'd have something that the fans would be happy with.

AP: Who's your typical fan?

JAMES: Female. That's it. All ages - from too young, and into their `90s.

AP: Does that mean that men aren't really the right audience?

JAMES: Well, I've had some lovely emails from men. Like one saying, "Thank you for reminding me what it's like to fall in love."

AP: When shooting started, you said you were terrified.

JAMES: Yes! Coming from fandom, I know what it's like when you're let down by certain things, and I just didn't want to do that. What I can say is, we got there in the end.

AP: Was it a difficult process for the actors?

JAMES: I think it was very difficult. But all the really intimate stuff happened at the end of the shoot, which meant that Jamie and Dakota got to know each other, and were far more comfortable with each other. That helped.

AP: This isn't the first movie to have intimate sex scenes.

JAMES: Absolutely! But you guys, the media, are all about the sex. The fact is, it's a love story, and women respond to the love story. The fact that there's a little bit of kinky sex in there is sort of like an added bonus. It's just become sensationalized, because it's like ... Oh my God, women like sex. Yes we do, thank you very much!

AP: Have the books had similar success all over the world?

JAMES: Except in Japan. It's doing OK in Japan, but women don't talk to each other there. They're so private about what goes on in the bedroom. That was interesting.

AP: Are reports true that there was an argument over the final word in the movie?

JAMES: Um, there was a discussion. But I am very happy with the final scene.

AP: Your main character, Anastasia Steele, certainly takes a journey. What has YOUR personal journey been?

JAMES: I think I just realized how strong I am, and how resilient. Actually, I wrote the books really just to entertain myself. The fact that they've entertained a whole lot of other people is just thrilling. My only ambition when I published this (as a small e-book) was to see it one day in a bookshop. So everything else has been like, "Holy crap!" (Editor's note: Actually, though "Holy crap" is a favorite expression of Anastasia Steele, James used a somewhat stronger word.)

Jackie Chan's son Jaycee Chan, out of jail, apologises to the public

Jackie Chan's son Jaycee Chan, freed from jail, apologises to the public
Hong Kong actor Jaycee Chan attends a news
conference at a hotel in Beijing, (Reuters)

Jaycee Chan, son of movie star Jackie Chan, freed from jail, appeared in public for the first time on Saturday, following a six-month jail sentence on drug charges and apologised for his actions.

Speaking softly and wearing a dark-coloured suit and collarless shirt, the 32-year-old entertainer told reporters in Beijing he would dedicate his energy toward film and music projects and spend more time with his distraught mother.

"As a public figure, this incident has had a negative impact on society, disappointed people who supported me, and caused losses for people who have worked with me," said Chan, who extended a deep bow of apology before and after his remarks.

Chan was detained in August after he tested positive for marijuana and police found 100 grams of the drug in his Beijing home. He was formally charged in December with "the crime of sheltering others to take drugs."

Thursday, 12 February 2015

How to Make a Guy Fall in Love With You

Photo: Getty Images//
Are you tired of being alone and of spending your free time with the girls? Are you thinking of what to do to put an end to your loneliness? Do you know how to find your soul mate? Please read on and find out how to make a guy fall in love with you;

If you are thinking that it is all about sex, stop thinking that way. If you have sex with him, he will only lose respect for you and will leave you for someone with higher morals. Do not use sex as the attraction.

If you are thinking it is about a pretty face, stop thinking that way, too. A man can fall in love with a pretty face, but if the person behind the face is difficult to deal with, he can not fall in love with the woman. A pretty face can attract men, but it can not make a guy fall in love and it can not make him commit to her.

Good dating advice says it is all about the person behind the face. So ask yourself, what sort of person are you? Are there any changes you need to make?

· Male psychology says that a man wants a woman who is kind to him. This is how to make a guy fall in love with you.

· Smile when you see him. Give him a warm, welcoming smile.

· Talk to him. Do not just go on and on about some boring thing that happened to you today; rather, talk about the things he likes to do. Ask him how his day was. Ask his opinion and advice on different things. Good dating advice says to show a warm personal interest in him.

Follow this advice and you will not be sorry. It really works. This is how to make a guy fall in love with you.

The Jester’s Return by Okoye Sunday. (Book Review)

The Jester’s Return is a short satirical play that captures the political affray and fiery furies of the 2023 general election. In this comp...