Author's Hangout With Zizi
Who is Chimaobi Akachukwu?
What inspired you to become a writer?
At the age of 12, while in school, I enjoyed writing, but I never thought about publishing my work. It never seemed to make it into the publishing space. I had hoped to see my work featured in the school magazine, but that never happened. Despite spending late nights writing, my efforts went unnoticed. At times, I felt as though I were in a trance while writing as if the words were being whispered to me, guiding what I should write. Even during moments of domestic chaos, an inspired idea or story would quietly come to me, like a whisper in my mind.Back then, I carried a pen and a small notebook with me everywhere, ready to jot down ideas whenever they came. I felt disheartened during my O-level years, as I kept hoping my work would be published in the school magazine, but it never was. However, this disappointment didn't demoralize me. Instead, it fuelled my determination to prove that I didn't need my work to be published in the school magazine. I realized that I had limited myself by thinking that the school magazine was the peak of my potential. The world was far bigger than that, and I could achieve more.
This shift in perspective came when I read books like I Have a Dream by Martin Luther King Jr., Never Give Up by Joyce Meyer, and some of John C. Maxwell's works. These books gave me the courage to keep going, to never give up, and to strive for even greater things.
Tell us about your book, the Burning Cloud.
Why did you write it?
While I was in Anambra, I was contracted to write a full manuscript for a woman named Miss Ginika. I began the script and showed it to her. She liked the plot and storylines, and we agreed on a contract. However, she never signed it. Initially, I promoted the book in a magazine, though it wasn’t titled Burning Cloud at the time.
After much back-and-forth for her to sign the contract and make the payment to own the manuscript outright, she never followed through. I believe she wasn’t expecting me to ask for payment or a binding agreement. She likely thought I would give her the manuscript for free. When I realized she wasn’t serious and wasn’t prepared to compensate me, I decided to retain the rights to my work. I then expanded the story, incorporating more of my life experiences into the script. Although Burning Cloud wasn’t my first book, it became a story that truly reflected my journey.
How long did it take you to write the book?
It took me three months.What message does the book convey to your readers?
The book conveys several important messages, but I will highlight just a few:Honesty always pays off.
Stand your ground and never give in to any situation you find yourself in.
Treat others with fairness, just as you would want to be treated.
Be helpful and trust your instincts.
Cultivate a heart of giving and assist those in need.
Never give up, no matter the oppression you face.
Is anything in the book based on real-life experiences or purely all imagination?
Not everything in the book is pure imagination; much of it is based on real-life experiences. For example, the way Sorrandi’s father was buried, along with the demands of the church before and during the burial, reflects actual events. As you dive deeper into the book, more will be revealed.How/where do you get information or ideas for the book?
What was one of the most surprising things you learned in writing the book?
It has taught me many things, but I will mention just a few. One of the key lessons I’ve learned about writing is that there is no one specific style. The twist in the story, the suspense, and even the ending don’t always have to be conclusive. Sometimes, you can leave the story open-ended, creating suspense as if it's heading toward a closed ending.What is your work schedule like when you're writing?
The countdown begins at 8 p.m. and continues until midnight, running through until 6 a.m. the next morning, after which I take a short break. Sometimes, I choose to work for a full 24 hours a week, without interruption.How many books have you written? What are the challenges you faced in writing and publishing them?
I have written four books. One of my biggest challenges during the writing process was when my computer’s hard drive crashed. While publishing was not a major obstacle, finding a professional editor within the right timeframe proved difficult. Most editors were always occupied whenever I reached out to them.Is there any author or book that influenced you either growing up or as an adult?
Chinua Achebe
Chimamanda Adichie
What do you consider your best accomplishment as a writer?
What is your best work so far? Or is the best yet to come?
How do you promote your books and are they yielding fruits?
Give us an interesting, fun fact about the writing of the Burning Cloud.
While working on my next short story, the words began to evolve in unexpected ways, leading to a unique narrative. The title The Burning Cloud came to me only after I had finished writing the book. During the process, I experienced some of the longest nights of my life, often working straight through for a week (24 hours a day), without going outside. I bought all the groceries I needed and stayed indoors, fully immersed in writing.