To the men who stand, bold and true,
Who lift us up, not hold us down,
Who see our worth, not as a threat,
But as a force the world must get.
You do not mock, you do not shame,
For power shared yields great value.
Real men uplift, they share, they serve,
With strength that stands, not one that shatters.
You do not silence, crush, or break,
But oil our wings and cheer us on.
You make no space for fear or scorn,
For hands that build should not be torn.
You know that strength is not in chains,
But in the love that breaks old pains.
You do not sneer, you do not scoff,
Nor douse the flames that burn within.
You do not shun, or twist, or taunt,
Or feed the fears that some men flaunt,
You fan our fiercest dreams,
Standing with us as brothers stand.
You honour voices, minds, and might,
And walk beside us in the light.
So here’s a charge to men today:
Step up, speak out,
Amplify the voices of women everywhere!
Misogyny is low, unwise,
It dims the world, it blinds the eyes.
Be bold, be great, be just, be true,
For when we rise, we rise with you!
Ejiro Joyce Otive-Igbuzor